Home Blog Tableau Certification Questions – Server Administration (Part 10)

Tableau Certification Questions – Server Administration (Part 10)


In this series of Tableau Certification Questions for Tableau Certification exams, we will discuss Server Administration in Tableau. The purpose of Tableau Certification Exam Questions part-10 is to explore Server Administration targeting the Tableau Server Certified Associate exams. We have provided a complete step by step solution for Tableau Server exam question at the end with the correct answer.

We are providing the complete Tableau Certification Dumps and Practice Tests to validates Tableau Server Certified Associate exam skills.

Check out our detailed Tableau Certification Preparation Training Videos from Tableau Certified Professionals to explore further questions and tips for passing the exam on the first attempt.

Tableau Certification Practice Tests:

Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Dumps     Tableau Certified Data Analyst     Tableau Server Certified Associate Practice Tests

Tableau Certification Questions List:

Let’s dive into Tableau Certification Questions related to Tableau Server Administration.

Question 1:

We have three extracts to be refreshed at the same time. Extract A in schedule with priority 20, Extract B in schedule with priority 60 and Extract C in schedule with priority 80. What will be the sequence of their refresh considering that they have same refresh time?

  • A) First A then B then C
  • B) First C then B then A
  • C) All will run on the same time since they have refresh time
  • D) None of the above

Correct Answer: A

Checkout Solution:


Question 2:

Which statement holds true for database-driven alerts in Tableau?

  • A) When data reaches important threshold for your business, data-driven alerts automatically send email notifications to only to Tableau Server Administrator.
  • B) When data reaches important threshold for your business, data-driven alerts automatically send email notifications to key people/users specified.
  • C) When data reaches important threshold for your business, data-driven alerts get automatically disabled and send email notifications to the user who has created it.
  • D) None of the above

Correct Answer: B

Check out the Solution:


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Question 3:

The following are two statuses of a job what is difference between these two. Select the correct options:


  • A) Green shows that the job is in progress
  • B) Yellow shows that the job is in progress but it is taking more than average time
  • C) Yellow shows that the job has failed
  • D) Green shows that job is has successfully completed

Correct Answer: A,B

Check out the solution:



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