Home Collections 9 Best Jenkins Certification Tutorial & Courses

9 Best Jenkins Certification Tutorial & Courses


Earn the Jenkins certification with the help of our specialized Jenkin Certification Courses. These courses will teach you to build, test, and deploy CI/CD pipelines for streamlined software development and delivery.

Key Takeaways

  • Access to content about Jenkins installation, security practices, and configuration.
  • Learn to create, manage, and optimize CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins.
  • Helps you prepare for the official Jenkins Engineer certification exam.

What will Jenkins certification courses help you accomplish?

These courses offer hands-on experience in configuring Jenkins for automated CI/CD pipelines. This will help you pass the exam and integrate Jenkins effectively into your DevOps workflow.

In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

Jenkins  Certification Courses Evaluation & Selection Criteria

The focus of these courses is to help learners prepare for the Jenkins certification exam. The courses highlight CI/CD pipelines and DevOps principles along with providing hands-on projects for skill-building.

Jenkins  Certification & Courses Tutorial:

saveJenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master

      • Ricardo Andre Gonzalez Gomez via Udemy
      • 40,586 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (4,578 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Jenkins From Zaro to Hero

This Jenkins certification training course from Udemy intends to help learners understand and learn what Jenkins is and how it works. By the end of this Jenkins certification training course, a learner will have a full grip over different concepts like what is a continuous integration and continuous development, how one can integrate Jenkins with Docker, AWS, GIT, Email, Maven, and much more, how one can design and build their jobs using a variety of tools, how to orchestrate the most popular DevOps tools and much more. When you start this course, you will first get a thorough introduction to how you can build the lab and the installation process. After that, you will get an introduction to Jenkins UI and creating your own first Jenkins jobs. Similarly, when you complete these Jenkins tutorials, you will move to the next module where you will learn about Jenkins and Docker. The instructor has tried to be as elaborative as possible while explaining what MySQL, AWS, Shell Scripting, and Jenkins is. Thus you can completely rely on this Jenkins certification training course to help you become a hero from scratch. So to get started with this course, click on the above link now. you can Learn DevOps with Jenkins All in One Guide.

A great job is done by the instructor. I really loved the way how he has delivered the entire content. I have enjoyed learning from this course a lot and definitely taking the Docker course next (Stephen Geier, ★★★★★).

saveJenkins MasterClass for Absolute Beginner – Hands On DevOps

      • LevelUp360° DevOps via Udemy
      • 2,800 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (297 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Jenkins Master class

This Jenkins MasterClass is suitable for beginners to understand Jenkins right from the start. By the end of the Jenkins Certification training Master Class course, learners will have a full grip over different concepts like continuous inspection, deployment, and inspection, the difference between them, how to create a multi-stage Jenkins job, how to visualize the build pipeline through Jenkins and much more. This means that with this course, a learner can gain in-depth knowledge about Jenkins in the comfort of his home. Similarly, in the next module, you will gain an in-depth knowledge about Jenkins that will boost your confidence to help your company to apply the right Jenkins workflow. It is so that you are able to deliver better software at all times. Moreover, you will be taught the key concepts of DevOps and Jenkins’s continuous delivery pipeline. After that, you will learn to use Jenkins pipeline and Jenkins file which are the new concept of CI as code. So explore Jenkins pipeline to build, test, and deploy projects and learn to work with Docker containers in a Jenkins context and much more from the course.So click on the link above for further details.

This course encloses in it very engaging yet challenging information. And only because of the content of this course, I have now gained momentum easily with Jenkins (Nagaraju Petla, ★★★★★).

saveContinuous Delivery & DevOps

      • University of Virginia via Coursera
      • 31,290 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (696 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Continuous Delivery & DevOps

Jenkins Certification and training tutorials course by Coursera is going to provide learners with all the interdisciplinary skill set so as to cultivate a continuous deployment capability in an organization. By the end of the course, learners would have learned a lot like how to diagnose a team’s delivery pipeline and then bring forward recommendations to improve it, what are the different roles involved in DevOps and how they contribute towards a continuous delivery capability. Moreover, you will also learn how you can review and deliver automation tests across the development stack. After that, the instructor will teach you the right way to facilitate prioritized, iterative team progress on improving a delivery pipeline. The skills that you will be gaining from this course will be relevant to DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Unit Testing, and Infrastructure as Code, System Testing, and more. With all the learning material that the course is offering, there are quizzes and assignments as well that you need to solve. Solving these quizzes and assignments at the end of each module will be quite helpful to you to understand the topic even more clearly. So click above to find out more. You might also be interested in Azure DevOps Certification Dumps And Sample Questions.

The course has a great introduction to offer about DevOps. With that, the overview of DevOps components was also quite interesting. Similarly, all the related processes and primary reasons for implementing DevOps were also explained beautifully. I think the Jenkins certification course mostly has a conceptual overview to offer thus no tool knowledge was necessary to gain (Kim H, ★★★★★).

saveLearning Jenkins

      • Michael Jenkins via LinkedIn Learning
      • 43,153 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (2,888 Ratings)

Learning Jenkins

Jenkins tutorial Certification Course and Classes will help learners understand and learn to use Jenkins to release and deploy software more easily. By the end of the course, learners will be able to install Jenkins, use plugins, manage artifacts, work with parameters, schedule jobs, organize jobs with views and folders, define stages with pipelines, and much more. You will be learning all this in a very organized manner. First, you will learn to set up Jenkins on your Mac, Windows, Linux, or inside a Docker container. Then you will find how you can use the Jenkins plugins to extend their functionality. After that, you will learn to configure your first job in a step-by-step guide that will lead you up to the requisite “Hello, World” output. Then you will learn to make your job more useful and portable with the help of a parameter. So you see, the instructor has made quite a plan to teach you to use Jenkins and become an expert here. So click on the above link to find out more about this course.

saveLearn DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins using Pipelines and Docker

      • Edward Viaene via Udemy
      • 27,978 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (4,363 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Learn Devops

With Jenkins Certification training Course by Udemy, learners are going to understand to use Jenkins in the DevOps way. By the end of the course, learners will be able to automate their Jenkins jobs using Jenkins Pipelines and Docker, install Jenkins using Docker, how to use plugins to integrate Jenkins with popular development software, configure the authorization option to enable efficient security on your Jenkins UI, and much more. In the course content, you are going to find a variety of topics and in these topics, there might be some that are totally new to you. You will get a detailed introduction at the start and after that, the instructor will move to the part where he will teach you to build a NodeJS app. Next, you will get an introduction to infrastructure as code and automation. After that, different topics will come your way like Jenkins’s job DSL, Jenkins Pipelines, Jenkins integrations, advanced Jenkins usage, and then the final part.So click on the above link to get this course now.

This was a very good course but it does need an update for the new interfaces for Jfrog and Bitbucket. But that doesn’t mean the course is not worth your time. All the information in the course is quite relevant and the course gives you a basic understanding and usage of Github (Josue Arroyo, ★★★★★).

saveDevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins pipelines, Maven, Gradle

      • TetraNoodle Team, Manuj Aggarwal, Harini Srikanth Tetra TA 1, Mamta Shanware via Udemy
      • 18,637 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (4,661 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

CI and CD With Jenkins Pipelines

Jenkins tutorial and course by Udemy aims to help learners understand how they can build continuous integration, delivery, and DevOps pipelines with the help of Java, Maven, Artifactory, Gradle, and Sqitch. Learners will be familiarized with continuous integration and everything about it like why it is important in a fast-paced agile environment, how it is used etc. Similarly, how to build an automated continuous integration pipeline with the help of Jenkins and its variety of plugins will also be taught in the Jenkins tutorial Certification course. After completing these topics, you will next learn to maintain and version control database schema in an automated fashion via RoundHouse. After that, you will be building CI and CD pipelines with the help of Jenkins and other corresponding plugins that you know of. Not only building them, but you will also learn to configure, secure, and extend Jenkins. Similarly, how you can manage the build artifacts which are produced by the continuous integration (CI) builds will also be taught by the instructor. Thus there is no way you won’t become successful in learning to use Jenkins and other plugins through this course.So if you think this course is the right choice for you then click above to find out more.

Taking this course has been the best learning experience for me. I started this course as a beginner to DevOps and now after completing this course, I can say that I got to know 10-20% of what DevOps is and how it can be used in our project. Still, it is a long way to go for perfecting the learning in this technology but this course was a good first step towards learning DevOps (Gaurav Mishra, ★★★★★).

saveDevOps Culture and Mindset

      • University of California, DAVIS via Coursera
      • 12.797 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (185 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
Devops Culture and Mind set

With the Jenkins  Certification and training course by Coursera, a learner will understand the basic foundational principles of DevOps and DevOps mindset. The course will focus greatly on the different ideas related to systems thinking, feedback loops, loosely coupled architecture and teams, continuous improvement, dealing with unplanned work, and much more. Similarly, various strategies regarding how to manage work, keep it organized, monitor it closely, and maintain a high-level quality of work using DevOps principles will also be learned from the course. Now if we talk about the course content, you will find that the course starts with the definition of DevOps. You will get an introduction to DevOps and then know how loosely coupled architecture can help you facilitate your high-performing organizations. You will be given such training that will enable you to identify the importance of iteration and strategies that can let you manage risks and workloads in a DevOps environment. Similarly, other important topics include knowing all about the use of DevOps to speed up time to market, how you can keep your work organized with DevOps, and more. So get started with the Jenkins Certification training course already by clicking on the above-mentioned link.

This course has a great introduction to DevOps and to be able to learn from this course, you don’t need to be a technical person. Instead, anyone interested in DevOps can enroll in this course and understand all its principles. The lecture videos were quite clear and succinct and even the real-life examples were also great (Ally M, ★★★★★).

saveDevOps with GIT(Flow) Jenkins, Artifactory, Sonar, ELK, JIRA

      • Nand V via Udemy
      • 2,298 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (323 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

DevOps with GIT(Flow) Jenkins, Artifactory, Sonar, ELK, JIRA

This complete hands-on DevOps Jenkins tutorial certification course aims to provide learners with all the necessary guidance to use the DevOps toolchain effectively. By the end of the Jenkins certification course, learners will be able to build a DevOps environment for their organization, expand the horizons of DevOps for multiple use cases in the organization. With that, learners will also be able to identify the DevOps toolchain fit for the organization and customize it as needed, able to set up the environment for major categories in the DevOps toolset, and much more. The Jenkins certification course has many technical topics in it that you just need to understand very well. Though the instructor has thoroughly explained all the topics, still if you have a basic understanding of the SDLC lifecycle, then it would become easier for you to understand what the instructor is explaining. Now the question comes here is that who can make the most out of this course? Well, anyone who is interested in learning and understanding the DevOps philosophy and model and welcome to join this course. With that, all those who want to be a change agent in their organization to adopt a DevOps model can also take this course. Thus all you need is a little determination and interest to enroll in this course and then you are all set to learn a lot about DevOps from the comfort of your home.So get started with this course now by clicking on the above-mentioned link. You can also find out more top free online Courses with certificates at takethiscourse.net.

When I took this course, I was a little skeptical about how this course would turn out to be. But as I moved further and involved in the exercises, I came to realize that DevOps is quite interesting to understand. And the way instructor Nand has explained everything was quite appreciable (Sunil N, ★★★★★).

saveLearn DevOps with Jenkins All in One Guide

      • Eduonix Learning Solutions via Udemy
      • 19,448 already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (324 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Learn devops with jenkins

This is an all in one guide that will help learners to become a DevOps Guru and also master the Continuous Integration and Continuous Development with the help of Jenkins. With this course, learners can work on real-world projects and implement all these concepts in real life as well. Also, the course has a lot of professional tips and tricks to offer that will enable better Jenkins management. The course has been designed and built by world-class professionals who can help you break down the concept of Continuous Integration into small and easy to understand parts. You can consider this tutorial as a guide for all the newbies to not just learn what CI is but also understand how they can integrate CI in their codes. Even if you have no prior experience in this field, you will be able to learn a lot from this course. It is because the course has been designed especially for newbies with no prior experience. This means that the instructors of this course have explained everything in quite detailSo click on the Jenkins  Certification training and course tutorial now if you want this all in one guide.

An excellent course that teaches you all the basics and explains everything in an easy-to-understand manner. At first, I didn’t know anything about the DevOps or continuous integration but the instructor did a great job in explaining everything. And that is why I would like to recommend this course to everyone who has an interest in learning all about DevOps (Craig Reeves, ★★★★★).
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Thus this list is the most reliable, feasible and effective way for any learner to learn about Jenkins certification training. So we would suggest our learners to carefully look at this list and then find the right course from the right platform for themselves and never stop learning.