Home Universities 20 Free Training Courses Online with Certificates from Best Universities

20 Free Training Courses Online with Certificates from Best Universities


Free Training Courses Online with CertificatesThere are several free online courses available that learners can explore to open up more educational and career opportunities while broadening their knowledge base and expanding their skills in various academic fields. In order to develop new skills and make yourself attractive to potential employers, you can sign up for free training courses online with certificates upon completion. In today’s world it is possible to get good quality education easily and conveniently more than ever before all thanks to the evolution of the internet allowing many universities to shift from conventional learning to online learning with incredible success.

Free Online Courses With Certificates

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are college level courses that are accessible to learners from all over the world for free. These courses are published online and most of them come with a certificate of completion. MOOCs offer online learners a unique opportunity to receive good quality education from industry experts free of charge. These courses are becoming popular in online education especially among working students who may not find the time to attend college regularly. They can simply earn their degree by leveraging the web video conferencing technology that allows great student collaboration and a class interaction that is almost similar to conventional learning.

MOOCs Providers Offering Free Online Courses

A few years ago, online education received a major boost with the introduction of three free online courses that were taught by accredited Stanford professors. These courses attracted many students and soon after online education providers such as Coursera, Udacity and edX were launched leading to the birth of MOOCs. Since then Over 700 universities from all over the world have started offering free online courses. Some of the best MOOCs providers include:

  • Coursera
  • edX
  • Udacity
  • Kadenze
  • Canvas Network
  • Stanford Languita

Universities and colleges are also partnering with MOOCs providers such as edX and Coursera to offer their learners a free way to supplement their education. Some of these universities include:

How To Get Most Value Out Of Free Online Courses

Free online certifications can boost your productivity by making you a more skilled and valuable employee hence it is important to maximize these benefits through the following ways:

  • Choose your online course wisely
  • Take one course at a time
  • Commit yourself to the process

Dive into our detailed guide on the Best + Free IE University Courses with Certificates to enhance your skills without spending a dime.

Before enrolling for a free online course, ensure that you do some research so that you can study for a course that suits you to avoid dropping out mid-way which can be quite easy. In fact, most people who sign up for MOOCs do not actually complete them which negatively affects the learners motivation. To increase your chances of success, it is advisable to take one course at a time to avoid exhausting your mental resources. Create a self-paced learning schedule that involves realistic planning depending on your lifestyle. It will take you serious mental discipline to successfully complete your online course and earn a degree. Good time management skills will go a long way in ensuring that your enthusiasm level is high and that you are not stressed.

Top Free Training Courses Online with Certificates

Followings are some of the top  free training courses online with certificates from best universities of the world like Harvard, Stanford, MIT and more. Gain access to top-tier education without spending a dime through Free Stanford University Courses Online.

University of Virginia via Coursera

  • Jeanne M. Liedtka, United Technologies Corporation Professor of Business Administration
  • 1-2 hours a week, 5 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.6

Google Cloud via Coursera

  • 8-10 hours a week, 1 week long
  • Average User Rating 4.5

University of Amsterdam via edX

  • Matthijs Rooduijn, Emiel van Loon
  • week 1: 3-6 hours, week 2-8: 1-3 hours/week
  • Average User Rating 4.7

Harvard University via edX

  • Taught By: David J. Malan, Zamyla Chan, Doug Lloyd
  • 9 problem sets (10 to 20 hours each), 1 final project
  • More details

University of Virginia via Coursera

  • Rajkumar Venkatesan, Ronald Trzcinski Professor of Business Administration
  • 2-6 hours a week, 5 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.5

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York via Coursera

  • Bina Ramamurthy, Teaching Professor
  • 3 ½ hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • Course 1 of 4 in the Blockchain Specialization
  • Average User Rating 4.5

7Control of Mobile Robots [Course is not  Available]

Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera

  • Dr. Magnus Egerstedt
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 7 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.8

University of Pennsylvania via Coursera

  • Michael Useem, Peter Cappelli
  • 2-3 hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.6

Harvard University by edX

  • David J. Malan, Jordan Hayashi
  • 6-9 hours a week, 13 weeks long
  • More details

deeplearning.ai via Coursera

  • Andrew Ng, Head Teaching Assistant – Kian Katanforoosh, Teaching Assistant – Younes Bensouda Mourri
  • 3-6 hours a week, 3 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.9

The University of California, Irvine via Coursera

  • Margaret Meloni, MBA, PMP, Instructor
  • 2-3 hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.7

Harvard University via edX

  • Rafael Irizarry, Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard University
  • 2-4 hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • More details

University of Toronto

  • Taught By: Jennifer Campbell, Paul Gries
  • Pass all graded assignments to complete the course, 5 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.6

University of Maryland, College Park via Coursera

  • Michael R. Pratt, Lecturer of Technology Entrepreneurship
  • 3-5 hours a week,
  • Average User Rating 4.6

University of Michigan

  • Taught By: Charles Severance
  • 2-4 Hours a week, 7 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.8

Yale University via Coursera

  • Robert Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University
  • 3-4 hours a week, 7 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.8

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera

  • Jogesh K. Muppala
  • 6-8 Hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.7

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via Coursera

  • Aric Rindfleisch, John M. Jones Professor of Marketing
  • 6-8 hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.6

Johns Hopkins University via Coursera

  • Roger D. Peng, Jeff Leek, Brian Caffo
  • 4 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.6

Goldsmiths, University of London

  • Taught By: Dr Sylvia Xueni Pan, Dr Marco Gillies
  • 3-5 Hours a week, 4 weeks long
  • Average User Rating 4.9