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Why to pay for MOOCs & Online Courses when free resources available?


Why to Pay for MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) usually do not cost learners a dime with proponents lauding this form of education for offering millions of learners around the world an opportunity to learn for free so long as they have access to internet connection.

However most MOOCs providers have developed models where students can pay a certain fee that is usually around $30 to $150 to earn a “verified certificate”. The effectiveness of free MOOCs has been questioned in the past owing to their low student completion rates hence some MOOCs providers such as Coursera, Udacity, FutureLearn and edX have options that allow students to pay for MOOCs.

Here are some benefits of paying for online courses & MOOCs.

1. Ensures authenticity

MOOCs AuthenticityLearners pursuing the verified certificate option are required to proof their identity through a strict validation process via webcam that involves submission of a government issued ID and photo as well as fulfilling all exam and assignment requirements. This verification process ensures the value and authenticity of the issued credential. Verified certificates indicate the name of the awarding institution or company enabling even employers to verify the authenticity of the credential online.

2. Students can show off the certificate on their resume or portfolio

Most students are opting to pay for MOOCs certificate since it is a valuable credential that they can post online or mention it on their resume or job application. Students are proud of owning a verified certificate that they can even post it on their social media profiles. Below is a sample HarvardX certificate via edX from Harvard University.edX Sample Certificate

3. Learners get motivated to learn and complete their MOOCs

Studies show that the completion rate among students who enroll for a verified certificate is 10 times or 60 percent higher that that of students who sign up for free MOOCs. Earning a certificate is a major motivating factor since learners are more committed to getting value for their money. With free certificates learners can walk away at their own convenience since they have nothing to loose.

4. Students can earn college credits

Although not common, verified certificates can sometimes earn learners college credits. Students who successfully complete certain MOOCs can gain credits for a graduate level program.

5. Students are able to access additional features

Learners who pay for a verified certificate can have access to a wide range of features that are not available to those taking free MOOCs. For example MOOCs provider Coursera enables paying students to submit their work and receive feedback on the same. Other features include homework assignments, quizzes and exams.

Buying an online course certificate comes with several benefits but sometimes students learn for fun or to simply satisfy their curiosity on certain issues. Others learn because they have an objective to accomplish such as advancing their career or the desire to become more effective and efficient at their work.

For a fully accredited degree program, University of Illinois iMBA is an ideal option.

In such circumstances, the Return on Investment (ROI) can be quantified. This ensures that learners are more responsible and disciplined which makes them more valuable to employers. While most MOOCs are still available free of charge, even those courses that require students to pay will usually offer free trials that last between 7 to 14 days which is enough time to grab a thing or two.

The University of New South Wales

  • Taught By: Dr Mike Ryan, Senior Lecturer
  • 4-5 Hours a week, 5 weeks long

Stanford University

  • Taught By: Dan Boneh
  • 4-5 Hours a week, 7 weeks long

Rice University

  • Taught By: Scott Rixner, Joe Warren
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

University of Minnesota

  • Taught By: Praveen Mittal, Adjunct Professor
  • 3-4 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

University of Michigan

  • Taught By: Colleen van Lent, Charles Severance
  • 2-4 Hours a week, 3 weeks long

Rice University

  • Taught By: Scott Rixner, Joe Warren
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne

  • Taught By: Martin Odersky, Professor Computer Science
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 4 weeks long


  • Taught By: Dr Marco Gillies, Dr James Ohene-Djan, Dr Matthew Yee-King, Dr Mick Grierson, Dr Kate Devlin
  • 6 Courses Specialization
    • Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Responsive Web Design
    • Introduction to Meteor.js Development
    • Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB
    • Responsive Website Tutorial and Examples
    • Responsive Website Development and Design Capstone

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Taught By: Jogesh K. Muppala
  • 4-6 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

University of Pennsylvania

  • Taught By: Barbara E. Kahn, Peter Fader, David Bell
  • 4-6 Hours a week, 5 weeks long

Stanford University

  • Taught By: Mathew O. Jackson
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 8 weeks long

Stanford University

  • Taught By: Larry Randles Lagerstrom, Academic Director
  • 5-10 Hours a week, 8 weeks long

University of Colorado System

  • Taught By: Dr. Tim Chamillard, Associate Professor Computer Science
  • 5-10 Hours a week, 5 weeks long

University of Pennsylvania

  • Taught By: Brian J Bushee, The Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor
  • 5-6 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

University of Alberta

  • Taught By: Kenny Wong, Associate Professor Computing Science
  • 5-8 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Taught By: Gregory Northcraft, Jack Goncalo, Jeffrey Loewenstein
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

Stanford University

  • Taught By: Andrew Ng, Adjunct Professor
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 11 weeks long

Yale University

  • Taught By: Laurie Santos
  • 8-10 Hours a week, 6 weeks long

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Taught By: Roy H. Campbell & Reza Farivar
  • 5-7 Hours a week, 4 weeks long

20Ruby on Rails Web Development Specialization [Course not Available]

John Hopkins University

  • Taught By: Jim Stafford, Kiran Chittargi, Yaakov Chaikin, Kalman Hazins
  • 6 course specialization
    • Ruby on Rails: An Introduction
    • Rails with Active Record and Action Pack
    • Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with MongoDB
    • HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
    • Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS
    • Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application

You can checkout thousands of online courses and MOOCs related to different area of study including IT & Computer Science, Social Sciences, Business, Medicine and more.