Home Business International Leadership and Organizational Behavior

International Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Online Course Highlights
  • Università Bocconi via Coursera
  • Learn for FREE, Up-gradable
  • 17 hours of effort required
  • 66,394+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (2,083 Ratings)
  • Skill Level: Mixed

This course, as the name gives away is about international leadership. This course is all about how people should behave at leadership positions at different places. But it specifically targets organizational positions. This course also teaches us how to behave in different positions and how to react to problems. It also teaches us how to close in deals by looking at the pros and cons of things. If you’re aiming to boost your leadership capabilities without incurring costs, our top leadership training programs for free are perfect for you.

In this course we’ll explore the theory and practice of international and intercultural leadership and organizational behavior. Social science research has revealed systematic ways in which our behavior differs across cultural contexts – enabling us to more effectively work across borders. Insights from psychology, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology, from communication studies and from management scholarship allow us to understand what shapes individual and group decision making, what enhances or weakens team performance, and how we can build and use our social networks.

The Skills you are going to Acquire:

  • Social Network
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Cross-Cultural Communication

The Learning outcomes and Perks of the Course:

  • In the first module we outline the basics of leadership and leadership development.
  • In this second module we talk about the impact of culture and cultural differences on organizations.
  • Almost everything international leaders do, they do through communication.
  • Throughout the course we emphasize leaders’ interdependent relationships with followers Completion certificate.

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Now let’s have a look at the feedback of this course given directly by the students. This is a mixed feedback that will give you an in-depth and closer look of the course.

Positive Feedback:

  • I enjoyed this course from the beginning till the end. The psychological insight of the course was very valuable to me and helped me grasp many management-related concepts which were totally new to me. It was great to have an additional reading list full of TED Talks (Simon Sinek, Dan Ariely, Daniel Goleman) and engaging articles which give a new perspective on what has been discussed in the videos (Bianca, ★★★★★).
  • I completed this course while working abroad and I loved it. The course helped be to have a better understanding and respect for different cultures in life and in the work environment. Thank You!  (Andrea Y, ★★★★★).
  • Undergoing this course was a mixed feeling of challenge and pride. Challenge because you had the opportunity to be mentored by such a brilliant professor, Franz Wohlgezogen. He’s so adept at discussing the theories and problem-solving strategies that helped me in my leadership journey (Lilibeth F M, ★★★★★).
  • Very interesting course. Alumni viewpoints, pop-up questions, and interactive dialogues all made the course more engaging. Each video was a good length for informational content and attentiveness (Ginamarie Z C, ★★★★★).
  • I found this course really interesting and useful for working environment. There are a lot of insight earned during the course. The reading materials are also impressive – not just relying on the theoretical context. HBR articles are on the the best reliant sources at the moment and as a fan of Harvard deliverables, I am glad that the University put it as the references. The video is out of the box. Involving the alumni having important position in mutlinational companies is a smart idea. The lecture is not just imposing to the academic literatures but also to best professional practices from the industries. Well done and keep the good work for the teaching lecturer! I will be very interested to participate in other courses from Universita Bocconi (Iqbal, ★★★★★).
  • I found this course very insightful with great value in developing international and intercultural leadership acumen, transnational approach to leadership, understanding in deep how cultural differences influence people’s thinking and behavior in relation to communication, motivation, conflict resolvement, etc (Dainius M, ★★★★★).
  • I am really happy to have used this time of the covid to deepen these topics that follow part of my previous degree course. I hope this will increase my versatility as a leader, improve my relationship skills and the way I communicate (Barbara P, ★★★★★).
  • True to its global prestige, the University of Bocconi and the course Professor, had really been able to deliver the course on ILOB in the most realistic, appropriate, interactive and competent ways. Its instructional materials, development exercises and modular assessments are well-researched and -designed to really ensure cross-cultural learning, communications and cooperation. At the same time, the course design and activities also facilitates for re-assessments and -realizations of the student’s functional knowledge and skill sets on leadership and management. The SDA Bocconi’s Responsible Leadership Self-Assessment and Report is also very sensible and helpful to young leaders like me, who want to improve myself further. Thank you so much, University of Bocconi, SDA Bocconi and Asst. Professor Franz Wohlgezogen for investing in our generation of next global leaders! (Denver E B C, ★★★★★).

Negative Feedback:

  • It is quite interesting, but overall not very content heavy. It is a bit too much workshop style and lacking a bit the academic structure and content (Philipp L., ★★☆☆☆).
  • The integration of students and alumni was distracting and at some points unnecessary (Verushka, S. ★★★☆☆).

Final Thoughts:

If you really want to learn how organizations behave and take decisions and at the same time develop leadership skills, then this is the course for you.

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