Home Collections 14 Best HACCP Training Courses and Certifications 2024

14 Best HACCP Training Courses and Certifications 2024 [Updated]


Boost your food safety skills with our Top HACCP Training Courses. These courses teach all about compliance and high standards in food handling and processing.

Key Takeaways

  • Get a chance to learn critical food safety principles.
  • Understand all about HACCP plan development and implementation.
  • Suited for professionals interested in the food industry.

What are the best HACCP training courses?

This list of Best HACCP Training Courses offers comprehensive guidelines on hazard analysis. You will also learn all about critical points and effective management strategies to ensure food safety.

# Course Name University/Organization Ratings Duration
1. Introduction to HACCP for Food Safety International Culinary Studio ★★★★☆ 4.4 12 Hours
2. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Certification Class SkillShare
3. HACCP Training (360Training.com) 360 Trainings 16 Hours
4. HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Certification Udemy ★★★★☆ 3.9 02 Hours
5. ISO 22000 (HACCP and PRPs) for Food Safety Udemy ★★★★☆ 4.3 02 Hours
6. Online HACCP Training By Food Safety Education & Training NC State University 16 Hours
7. HACCP for Food Safety (Foundational course for ISO 22000) Udemy ★★★★★ 4.5 01 Hour
8. Food Safety for Managers and Supervisors Udemy ★★★★☆ 4.3 02 Hours
9. ISO 31000. Risk manager training Udemy ★★★★★ 4.5 04 Hours
10. HACCP Training Programs by HACCP Training HACCP Trainings
11. Food safety, ISO 22000:2018 & HACCP Mock Tests Udemy ★★★★☆ 3.9
12. HACCP course – E-Learning with Food Nutritionists Certificate Udemy ★★★★☆ 4.4
13. Basic HACCP Requirements – Food Safety Management System Udemy ★★★★☆ 3.8 01 Hour
14. Risk Management in Food Sector – HACCP Udemy ★★★★★ 4.6 01 Hour
HACCP Training FAQs

HACCP Training Courses Evaluation & Selection Criteria

The selection process for our HACCP training courses is based on accreditation status, feedback from food safety professionals, and course comprehensiveness. This ensures learners get access to industry-standard training and knowledge.

List of best HACCP training courses 2024:

Fun Food Safety and Sanitation Course

      • Ali Dinhofer via Udemy
      • 808+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (96 Reviews)


Introduction to HACCP for Food Safety

      • International Culinary Studio via FutureLearn
      • 681+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (5 Ratings)

HACCP for Food Safety

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course will help build your knowledge of HACCP standards and implement a Food Safety Management System for keeping your customers safe.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the main reasons for adopting high standards of food safety.
  • This course is for those who wish to understand what food safety is, the facts, and the causes of food poisoning.
I have found this course to be very informative and it helped me gain a lot of new knowledge and understanding of food safety. I would 100% recommend this course to the people working in the food industry. (Louise P, ★★★★★)


HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Certification Class [No more Available]

      • UH via Skillshare
      • 103+ already enrolled!
      • Skill Level: All levels
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

In this class, the instructor will explain how the HACCP system can be applied to food manufacturing, shipping, distribution, food service, and more.

  • The reason why we chose this class is its focus on explaining how to assemble the HACCP team and construct a process flow diagram.
  • This class is for those who wish to understand the preliminary steps and principles of the HACCP system.

Explore the intricacies of hazard analysis in food production and its role in ensuring consumer well-being.

This class somehow met my expectations and I liked the content explained by the instructor (Aladdin E)

saveHACCP Training (360Training.com)

      • Learn2Serve via 360Training
      • 16 hours of effort required
      • ★★★★★

Learn to ServeDo you want to educate yourself on how you can apply all the HACCP food safety principles? If yes, then you can get complete training through this platform. Completing a HACCP food safety training is actually proof that you can identify the causes of foodborne illness. With that, you can also implement monitoring procedures and determine an effective corrective action in case of a problem. So through HACCP training, you will learn to apply science and technology to not only plan but control and document safe food processes at your facility. The HACCP certification training has high-level learning material in it that will help you understand the principles and concepts behind a HACCP plan.

With that, you will learn to identify biological, chemical, and physical hazards effectively. Moreover, you will get proper training relevant to facility cleaning, food processes, and personal hygiene as well. Similarly, going further with the HACCP certification courses, you will also learn how you can apply HACCP principles to Active Managerial Control (AMC). Furthermore, the HACCP training course has a variety of quizzes that you must solve and earn at least 75% in the final exam to earn the certification. You might also be interested in best EIT Food Courses curation here.

saveHACCP Training- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Certification

      • Syed M. Naim Khalid via Udemy
      • 461+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (483 Ratings)

HACCP Training- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point CertificationIt is a known fact that every serving and selling food needs to have a proper food safety system in place that can make sure that whatever is served is of high quality and is 100% safe to eat. And this food system is called the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. So to understand what this system is and how it can help a food inspector do his job well, this course is what you need. Upon taking this HACCP training course, you will be able to identify the biological, chemical, and physical hazards in the food that is offered to different consumers. Similarly, you will learn to determine which hazards are significant risks and can cause a lot of damage to the whole food chain. Going further, you will understand how you can determine, write, and validate adequate controls for these hazards.

After that HACCP training, the instructor will explain to you the steps to write a food safety management plan that is going to provide an appropriate level of protection for customers. Similarly, you will also learn to further train and supervise your employees to perform controls that will lead to zero customer illness or injury during the life of the business. The learning material available in the HACCP certification courses will give you the required guideline to take the HACCP certification test and the ISO 2000 certification.

Coursera Plus Courses


ISO 22000 (HACCP and PRPs) for Food Safety

      • Helpful and Fast Media via Udemy
      • 5,262+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (612 Ratings)

ISO 22000 (HACCP and PRPs) for Food Safety

Online Course Effectiveness Score (Learn More)
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
4.2 / 5.0
53 Reviews
4.3 / 5.0
54 Reviews
3.8 / 5.0
20 Reviews
4.1 / 5.0
11 Reviews

This course is all about explaining risk management relevant to ISO 22000 and explains how to implement measures and controls to comply with ISO 22000.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining how to identify and prevent specific foodborne hazards and risks.
  • This course is for those who wish to understand all about the hazard analysis and requirements for food manufacturers and so much more in detail.
I am a manager of a small butchery and taking this course has helped me a lot in putting things to place and understanding how to maintain a safe and hazard-free workspace. My main focus was food safety knowledge and it would be safe to say the course is great and has complete content one can ask for. (Derek A, ★★★★★)

saveOnline HACCP Training By Food Safety Education & Training

      • Clint Stevenson via NC State University
      • 20 hours of effort required
      • ★★★★★

CoursesThis is a very interesting course that has all the general information about HACCP and is designed for all the individuals who are working in the food industry. This HACCP certification course are a perfect pick for all these people who want to earn a HACCP certificate of completion and advance their careers. As a food inspector, you are going to learn a lot from this course. Starting the course, you will learn to implement and manage the Hazard analysis and a critical points system that is being designed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This will help you understand how you can ensure food safety to control food hazards.

The course has different lessons covered in it and has quizzes as well which you have to solve. If upon completing the haccp training, your overall final grade is 80% or greater than that, you will earn a certificate of completion from the International HACCP Alliance. The certificate that you earn will be recognized domestically and internationally by food safety inspectors and auditors. This means that earning this HACCP training certification will help you become more demandable in this sector.

saveHACCP Training for Food Safety (Foundational course for ISO 22000)

      • Standard Academy via Udemy
      • 100+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (82 Ratings)

HACCP Training for Food Safety (Foundational course for ISO 22000)In recent years, the HACCP system has become the most commonly cited methodology for a risk0based food safety system. It is also included in global standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative. This shows that having a HACCP certification has become very important if you want to become successful in this sector. This course is going to help you understand what HACCP is and will explain all the steps to reduce the risk of hazards for food safety. You will learn how HACCP requirements are applied to all food companies. Next, you will learn what applicable requirements are needed for food manufacturers. Similarly, you will learn to identify and monitor specific foodborne hazards and determine the ways they exist and what to do to prevent their occurrence.

Moreover, you will also learn to use hazard analysis as a basis for establishing critical control points (CCPs). After that, you will be taught how you can apply good common sense and preventive consideration to your food business. Thus learn all the latest standards and regulations covering food processing companies with the help of this course and learn to build your GMP and HACCP towards ISO 22000 requirements.

saveFood Safety for Managers and Supervisors

      • Nick Dore via Udemy
      • 89+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (138 Ratings)

Food Safety for Managers and SupervisorsAre you a manager or maybe a supervisor who is struggling to make his space in the food safety area? Or perhaps you are working as a caterer who wishes to develop a career in this field but doesn’t know where to start from. In any case, this course is what you need to begin your career with. When you start this course, you will be explained the importance of food safety. Why it has become the need of the hour to keep a check on food quality, what positive impact it can bring to your business and other aspects like these will be discussed. Next, you will understand the consequences people or even you can face if setting poor standards for your business. Similarly, you will be taken through all aspects of managing food safety where the main focus will be on HACCP. You can also find all about HACCP Refresher Training.

Whatever you will learn from the HACCP training course is going to help you improve the standards in your workplace thereby leading you to become a recognized entity. Next, you will also gain the right amount of confidence to engage in discussions with experts such as EHO and safety departments in your organization who can help you bring reforms to your workplace. So, enroll in this Highfield food safety level 3 course and boost your food safety knowledge in just a few hours of effort.


saveISO 31000. Risk manager training

      • Cristian Vlad Lupa via Udemy
      • 1,320+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (1,014 Ratings)

ISO 31000. Risk manager trainingThis challenging course aims to present the framework for risk management that is proposed by ISO 31000. With that, you will also understand the multiple risk techniques from IEC 31010 which is a supporting standard for ISO 31000. The course contains different lessons and with each lesson comes a different topic for you to learn and understand. After you complete all the lessons, you will definitely have a good understanding of what the risk management principles are. With that, you will also be able to understand the framework of ISO 31000 and the risk assessment techniques. You might also be interested in Ivy League Health courses.

The course has been presented in a very organized form where you will first understand the general aspects of risk management and the framework proposed by the ISO 31000. Next, you will be learning all about the risk management principles and the support and involvement of top management for the risk management process. Similarly, what is the risk assessment process and how to select appropriate risk techniques and many other topics are also a part of this course.

saveHACCP Training Programs by HACCP Training

      • via HACCP Training
      • ★★★★★

HACCP TrainingWe all know that food production workers are the real but unseen heroes who are responsible for providing us with healthy food. And that is why it is very important to keep a check and balance on the quality of food. At HACCP training, the courses offered to give you a solid understanding of the steps to implement a HACCP plan and principles that are required to support your organization. Whatever the course you take is written and vetted by industry-leading subject matter experts and are recognized as meeting the required course elements under the GFSI standards. So take any of the haccp training courses available at the site now and get the opportunity to learn from the industry experts from the comfort of your home.

saveFood safety, ISO 22000:2018 & HACCP Mock Tests

      • Syed M. Naim Khalid via Udemy
      • 18+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (7 Ratings)

This is a food safety Mock test that has a variety of tests included in it relevant to ISO 22000:2018 and HACCP. Taking this course, you will get access to 5 practice tests that have 210 questions altogether on both HACCP and ISO 22000:2018. The aim of providing such a course is to help you practice the principles of HACCP and food safety so that you know everything about what you should and shouldn’t be doing in this area. Solving all these questions come with several advantages among which one of them is to get ready for the relevant certification. All the tests that you are going to take are made based on the foundations of food safety and HACCP from Codex Alimentarius.

As discussed earlier, there are 5 tests in the course, test no 1 will be about food safety and there are 50 questions you have to solve. Similarly, test no 2 has 50 questions on HACCP. With that, the test no 3 has full focus on the ISO 22000:2018 where you will solve 50 questions relevant to it. Test 4 would have 40 questions relevant to facilities and grounds. Lastly, test no 5 would have 20 questions on personal hygiene. Thus solving all these 210 questions will help you prepare for anything that comes your way.

saveHACCP course – E-Learning with Food Nutritionists Certificate

      • Bologna HACCP via Udemy
      • 528+ already enrolled!
      • 4.6 (1,161 Ratings)

HACCP course - E-Learning with Food Nutritionists CertificateWant to get professional HACCP training and learn all about risk management at your ease and pace? Enroll in this course today and learn everything you need to become an expert food nutritionist. The course can be taken by anyone who has direct or indirect relations with the food industry and needs a little push to succeed in this industry. When you start the course, you will get a complete introduction to the Bologna HACCP and the activities it carries out and the services offered. Next, you will learn about the characteristics and innovations that are set on the European regulation. After that, you will get detailed information on bacteria, yeasts, viruses, and spores and how they affect our food. Similarly, you will also learn about food preservation.

Other topics like discussing main diseases transmitted by food and non-biological agents, prerequisite programs, understanding the 7 principles of HACCP, and much more are included. Similarly, at the end of every module, you have to solve the quiz to evaluate your understanding. Thus the course has everything you need to get professional HACCP training.


Basic HACCP Requirements – Food Safety Management System

      • Stellar Lee via Udemy
      • 101+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (40 Ratings)

Basic HACCP Requirements - Food Safety Management System

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

If you are interested in learning the fundamentals of food safety then this class is for you. Here you will understand all about Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in detail.

  • The reason why we chose this class is its focus on explaining what operation control is and how to do preventive maintenance and calibration.
  • This class is for those who wish to understand all about housekeeping, cleaning, sanitation, and so much more in detail.
The teaching method of the instructor was great and allowed me to get a hold of the concepts easily. The instructor has explained the basic HACCP requirements very thoroughly and I really appreciate the effort the instructor Lee has put into this course. (Athira B, ★★★★★)

saveRisk Management in Food Sector – HACCP

      • Fatima Inceoglu via Udemy
      • 10+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (13 Ratings)

Risk Management in Food Sector – HACCPWhatever we eat or drink has to be pure and free from bacteria right? But ever thought about how we can achieve this? Well, that is why the HACCP system is designed to identify hazards and take the necessary measures so that our food and drinks are all safe. In this course, you will learn how hazard analysis and risk assessment is done in the food industry and that how it evaluates even those materials that touch our food and drinks. You will learn all the methods for the analysis of risk in the food industry in detail. Similarly, you will get to learn from the most discussed examples of risk analysis and how you can study them effectively.

Moreover, you will also gain a proper understanding of HACCP principles and get complete online HACCP training. So, start this course now and know how you can make your food and drinks reliable enough for everyone to consume them.

HACCP Training FAQs

What does HACCP mean?

HACCP stands for “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point”. It is a management system where the quality of the food is maintained through analysis and control of biological and chemical hazards. From raw material production to taking care of the procurement and handling process to manufacturing, then distribution, and finally consumption of the finished product, everything is taken care of in a systemized manner.

What are the 4 types of food hazards?

Here are the four kinds of food hazards; Microbiological hazards: These include bacteria, moulds, yeasts, and viruses. Chemical hazards: These include water, cleaning agents, contaminants, pesticides, and other food additives. Physical hazards: These include packaging, pest droppings, glass, jewelry, and screws etc. Allergens: Refers to all kinds of risk associated with presence of one or multiple of the 14 EU listed food allergens.

How do I become HACCP certified?

Want to become an HACCP certified but don’t know how? Well, for this such purpose, you need to pass a third-party certification audit that is provided by a qualified food safety auditor. And if you are looking for the best HACCP training or courses to get HACCP certified, then you can find a variety of best HACCP courses at takethiscourse.net.

How long does it take to get HACCP certified?

Practically, it can take anywhere between 1 to 12 months to get HACCP certified. It is because this certification has a lot of phases like; • Audit criteria. • Learning all the rules. • Development and implementation. • Audit and review. • And then issuing the HACCP certificate.

Can you do HACCP training online?

Yes because there are different platforms offering best HACCP training online. This means that you get to study at your own ease and pace. At takethiscourse.net, you can find the best HACCP training and understand the safety principles. Here are some of the very best courses available at this platform; • ACCP Training (360Training.com) • HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Certification • Online HACCP Training By Food Safety Education & Training • HACCP for Food Safety (Foundational course for ISO 22000) • Food Safety for Managers and Supervisors

How often is HACCP training required?

It is recommended you get HACCP training every three years to maintain the food safety standards. With that, you must also have the latest details of the legal requirements.

What is HACCP level 3 training?

The level 3 is more about what makes up for a successful HACCP food safety management system.

How long does a HACCP training certification last?

It will be valid for three years and after that you have to reapply through a new audit.

Food Safety in catering (UK)

      • Nick Dore via Udemy
      • 175+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (72 Reviews)

So if you are a person who wants to make a career in the food industry then enrolling in any of these HACCP training courses and training classes can give you the edge you need to make a spot in this industry. So take a course now, stay home, stay safe, and never stop learning.