Home CSM Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions – Scrum Fundamentals (Part 1)

Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions – Scrum Fundamentals (Part 1)


This is part 1 in the Series of Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions. We’ll explore sample questions related to Scrum Fundamentals with multiple answers as per the format of ScrumAlliance CSM and Scrum.org PSM certification exams and provide a complete step-by-step solution at the end with the correct answer.

That will help our readers to understand the Scrum Fundamentals related concepts and improve their knowledge for Scrum Framework. Here are some important tips to prepare for Scrum Master Certification Exam.

Further user can try the 3 complete CSM Practice Tests of 50 questions each and validate your skills before the actual exam.

Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions List:

Lets dive further to Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions on Scrum Fundamentals.

Question 1:

What is important in all Scrum Projects?

Choose the correct option:

  • 1) Self-Managing
  • 2) Clear hierarchies in the company
  • 3) Communication
  • 4) Continuous Improvement

Correct Answer: B

Solution Details: For scrum projects, it’s really important to develop self-managing teams, there should be open communication within team and with stakeholders, and continuous improvement is the evidence of true scrum implementation. In scrum we have flat teams instead of focusing on hierarchies in the company.

Question 2:

What are the advantages of Scrum Framework?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) Fine-grained requirements are only defined when they are really needed.
  • B) All activities to design, build and test a certain functionality are kept together in one phase.
  • C) Changes are expected and welcomed by Scrum team.
  • D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

Solution Details: All options are valid advantages of Scrum Framework.

Read all advantages of Scrum Framework here:

You can find more Scrum Fundamentals related CSM exam questions for Scrum Master Certifications.

Question 3:

Line in the Agile Manifesto reads, “—————— over following a plan”. Please select which option best completes the statement.

Choose the correct option:

  • A) Communicating frequently
  • B) Responding to change
  • C) Asking the customer
  • D) Completing requirements

Correct Answer: B

Solution Details: One of the key valuess of Agile Manifesto is “Responding to Change” instead of “following a Plan” as opposed to the waterfall. Check out Best Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions here.

Scrum Fundamentals

Discover how you can Master Scrum with Practice Tests designed to mimic the real exam’s complexity.

Stay in touch for next part in this series for Scrum Master Certification Sample Questions related to Scrum Roles.

Some Best Courses for Scrum Master Certifications:

# Course Name Instructor Name Duration

Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management

Yael Grushka-Cockayne

  • 4 weeks
  • Study 2 hours Weekly

Scrum Certification Prep +Scrum Master+ Agile Scrum Training

Paul Ashun
  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 21 mins on-demand audio
  • 13 articles
  • 5 downloadable resources

Mastering Agile Scrum Project Management

LearnSmart LLC
  • 14.5 hours on-demand video
  • 564 downloadable resources

PMI-ACP Certification Training – 21 PDU Course

TIA Education
  • 9 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resources
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