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MOOCs Conferences & Events 2020


By each passing day, the fan club of MOOCs is getting bigger. All the attention, glamour and hype that MOOCs have been getting by our learners have turned out to be legit most of the times. MOOCs have without any doubt proven to be the most affordable and flexible way for different learners to learn. Learners from all around the world are always looking for different opportunities to get the most out of MOOCs or online learning. And the best way to do that is to stay updated regarding everything about MOOCs or online learning i.e MOOCs Conferences & events around the world.

So we at takethiscourse.net have gathered information regarding all the MOOCs conferences that are going to be held from start till end of the year 2020. We are going to mention all the conferences, where will they happen, when will they happen and what is the mission of the conferences. This is to help anyone whose reading this get all the information regarding all the conferences that will happen in the year 2020.

Open Education Week 2020:

The Open Education Week by Open Education Global is an all-inclusive celebration of the Open Education Movement. The purpose of organizing this event is to spread awareness among the teachers and learners about this movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. With this event in action, the purpose of the open education week is fulfilled that is to provide learners and teachers with different open educational resources. So if you’re interested to attend this conference then Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This event will last for five days starting from March 2-6, 2020.

With that, the location of the event happening in Newton, Massachusetts.

UNESCO mobile learning week 2020:

The Mobile Learning Week (MLW) is a flagship event organized by the United Nations on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This event has been meticulously organized by UNESCO and its partners for the past eight years straight. Each year the event happens under the theme of Artificial Intelligence and inclusion and different leaders and experts in education technology and invited to explore the actual potential of Artificial Intelligence for education. So don’t miss this opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

The event will happen for a total of five days starting from March 2 till 6, 2020.

And it is going to happen at the UNESCO headquarters which are in Paris, France.


SXSW-The South by Southwest EDU conference has been happening on a large scale for the past 9 years. This year, the community is going to celebrate its 10 full years of SXSW EDU conference and festival. The purpose of this conference is to meet with different stakeholders in education. With that, the conference also touches upon a wide range of education topics. Different qualified speakers are going to be invited in this conference who will get a chance to speak and share their experiences with the audience. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

The conference will happen on the 9th, 10th and 11th of March, 2020.

The venue of this three days conference is Austin, Texas.

So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity of witnessing the most informational three days conference ever.

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The 10th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference:

Learning analytics and knowledge is organizing its 10th conference this year where they intend to invite researchers and practitioners. With that, the event also invites a number of educators, leaders, government and industry professionals and administrators who have a great deal of interest in learning analytics and its related disciplines to come along and gain benefit from this gathering. Precisely, the LAK20 is a combined effort by the learning analytics researchers and practitioners to come together on a single platform. This event will enable them to celebrate and promote the achievements of the learning analytics community that has been in progress for the past 10 years and also to look forward as to what lies ahead. So if you’re interested to attend this conference then Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

The conference will be held for five days starting from March 23-27, 2020.

The conference will be held in Frankfurt, Germany.

2020 European Advanced Educational Technology Conference:

The European Advanced Educational technology Conference has organized this conference with the aim of providing all the scholars, faculty, researchers, and administrators and even students a platform to come forward. These people will get a chance to engage with colleagues from other countries and collectively share ideas that can bring change in education. By gathering on a single platform and exchanging ideas and innovations, the EAETC hopes to contribute towards bringing a huge change in different areas of educational technology. There will be different topics discussed in the conference like instructional design, learning and technology, teaching and technology, distance education, e-learning and many more.  So Register Now!!

When and where it is it going to happen?

The conference will be in action for a full four days and it will start from March 27-29, 2020.

The conference will happen in London, United Kingdom.

ASU+GSV summit:

The ASU GSV summit was first started in the year 2010 which was 10 years ago and since then, every year, the ASU+GSV summit organizes a conference which is a door to different learning opportunities and career growth. Like any other year, the ASU+GSV summit expects this year to be as competitive as any other year and hopes to witness more than 5000 attendees from the educational sector of different countries. These attendees are going to hear experiences and stories from professional world-class speakers that will contribute towards innovative ideas to improve the future of education. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This will be a three days conference which will start on March 30, 2020, and end on April 1, 2020.

The conference will happen in San Diego, California.

OLC Innovate:

The OLC innovate is a 4 days event that aims to conduct a series of hands-on sessions that are very suitable for all the instructional designers and those who are working behind the making of online courses. Another purpose of this event is to foster organic interactions and collaborative cross-disciplinary problem-solving.

The event is organized by the Open Learning Consortium and this year’s theme will be about “Building Bridges in Digital, Blended, and Online Learning”. The session blocks will be 45 minutes long and between each session will be a 15 minutes break. So, Register Now for the conference now if you don’t want to miss it.

When and where is it going to happen?

The event will start on March 31, 2020, and will end on the fourth day which is 3rd April, 2020.

The event will happen at the Sheraton Grand Chicago, Illinois.

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Coursera Conference:

Coursera like any other year has planned a conference for 2020 as well where it intends to invite all the academic and industry partners to come and attend the conference. The aim of this conference will be to discuss different challenges and trends that MOOCs are facing and what to do to bring innovation and improvement in this field. With that, we are pleased to announce here that our platform takethiscourse.net has managed to provide more than 500 courses from Coursera for our users and we continue to make this number grow by each passing day. This conference will, in fact, be a global community of more than 190 Universities. Those high profile leaders who will attend this conference will get a chance to engage with one another and share their learning experiences with one another. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This conference will last for two days starting from April 21-22, 2020.

The conference is planned to be held at Chicago, Illinois.

Open edX conference:

The open edX conference is organized specially with the aim to provide a platform to all the community members who use open edX. Because of this conference, a large number of high-class software developers, instructional designers and all those who are the reason behind online courses come together on a single platform. They get this chance of sharing each other’s experiences and stories and ways that can help to add more value to the education trends. So if you want to become a part of this event then Register Now!!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This 4 days conference will be staring on May 19, 2020 and end on May 22, 2020.

This conference will be taking place in Lisbon, Portugal.

Learning @scale 2020:

2020 learning at scale conference is a three days conference that will cover more direct measures of student learning which are accompanied by general insights around instructional techniques, different learning habits and experiences of students, different technological infrastructures and experimental interventions that lead to improved learning outcomes. In the three days of the conference, day one will be dedicated to the workshop whereas the rest two days will be the conference days. This conference has been happening for the past six years and each year the response that the conference gets is better than the previous one. So don’t miss out on this opportunity and Register Now!!!

When and where is it going to happen?

The conference is going to start on May 27, 2020 and will end on May 29, 2020.

The conference will happen at Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

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EdTechXWeek London:

The London Ed Tech week 2020 is an eight day-long event or celebration that is going to feature more than 40 hosts, together who will showcase the now and next of Education Technology. This is an open and collaborative platform that welcomes anyone who is a member of the global EdTech ecosystem to come and take part in the 2nd edition of the London EdtTech week by either organizing their own event or by joining the 6000+ global attendees. Each day, with the help of this event, education leaders are going to connect with different investors and entrepreneurs. Among the series of events, the most important one will be EdTechXEurope Thought Leadership Summit which is going to take place in the Tobacco Dock on the 18th of June, 2020. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This eight-day event will start from June 15, 2020 and will end on June 22, 2020.

The event will be happening in London, UK.

Learning with MOOCs VII:

Learning with MOOCs conference has been happening every year since 2013. Every year the conference aims to shed light on different educational fields. With the help of this conference, different ideas are being discussed and provoking conversations are being made that supports the IEEE’s core mission of advancing technology for humanity. The IEEE is very committed to providing a safe productive and welcoming environment to all the participants that even includes to staff and vendors. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

The conference is going to happen on September 30, 2020 and will end on October 2, 2020.

The conference will happen in Antigua, Guatemala.


DevLearn is a platform that people reach out to look at what’s now, new and next in learning and development. The purpose of organizing this conference every year is to focus on different learning technologies that can lead to improved educational standards. World-class professionals and other individuals from all around the world are welcome to join this platform and share their ideas, stories and other experiences. This will open many other different and new paths for a number of people who would witness this conference. So those interested are advised to Register Now as soon as possible as to prevent missing this event.

When and where is it going to happen?

This is a three days conference which will happen on October 21, 2020 and will end on October 23, 2020.

The conference will be happening in Las Vegas, Nevada.


EdX global forum 2020:

The EdX global forum is focused on the future of work and also using open technology that will help to solve the different challenges that we face. The different challenges that we face are regarding upskilling, reskilling and delivering life-long learning. In the conference, there will be discussions regarding the innovative uses of technology in the higher education sector, corporations and across nations. How these technologies are recognized and applied in the education sector is also something that will be discussed in the conference. Lastly, different methods for operating, extending and enhancing the edX platform will also be discussed. Thus this will be a very informative and helpful conference which is not to be missed. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and Register Now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This conference will happen in fall 2020.

The conference will be held in New York City, New York.

OEB Global 2020:

This is a global, cross-sector conference which will exhibit technology-supported learning and training. The aim of this conference is to provide diverse, collaborative and transformative 120+sessions on the agenda. Furthermore, the OEB global is known to be one of the largest conferences on learning technologies in Europe. This conference can be called as a perfect platform for all the academics, entrepreneurs and investors to come together on a single platform and share their concerns and ideas regarding education. So save the date and Register for the conference now!!

When and where is it going to happen?

This will be a 3 days conference which will start on December 2, 2020 and will end on December 4, 2020.

This amazing event is going to happen in Berlin, Germany.


Summing up our conversation, we can say that any learner, educator or institution who is interested in any of these conferences have now all the information regarding when and where the conference will happen and what will be the purpose of the conference. So all you have to do is take a good look at all of the above-mentioned conferences and then decide which conference you need to attend. For registration of a particular conference, you will need to visit the official website.