Home ASP.NET Entity Framework in Depth: The Complete Guide Review

Entity Framework in Depth: The Complete Guide Review

Course Highlights
  • Mosh Hamedani via Udemy
  • Course type: Self Paced
  • 56,496+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (12,088 Ratings)

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In this engaging course, you will understand the differences between database-first and code-first workflows. The instructor will explain in detail how to build a domain model using a database-first workflow. The aim of this course is to help you understand how to use code-first migrations to upgrade or downgrade your database. You will learn to override code-first conventions using data annotations and fluent API. Going further, you will get a chance to learn to add, update, and remove objects. Then the instructor will explain how you can use additional tools to profile and troubleshoot your applications. Therefore, taking this course will give you everything you need to know about entity framework.

TTC Course Analysis:

Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “Entity Framework in Depth: The Complete Guide” online course by our team of experts.

TTC Rating
1,968 Reviews

TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

  • TTC analyzed a total of 1,968 reviews for this online course.
  • The analysis indicates that around 93% reviews were positive while around 7% of reviews had negative sentiment.
  • Mosh Hamedani online course received a total score of 4.7 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.

Entity Framework in Depth Course Review

TTC Course Effectiveness:

Online Course Effectiveness Score (Learn More)
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
930 Reviews
1,301 Reviews
170 Reviews
179 Reviews

Based on learner reviews we believe;

  • The content of this course is outstanding, informative, and well-designed.
  • The course is engaging and offers clear and to-the-point information.
  • The exercises are really helpful in understanding all the concepts.
  • One can improve his skills by taking this course.

Entity Framework in Depth - Complete Guide Effectiveness

Pros & Cons:


  • Bestseller course.
  • Challenging exercises.
  • Offers fantastic demonstrations, real-world relations, and examples.


  • Course has a bit outdated content.

What Learners Are Saying About this Course:

In this section, we will be reviewing feedback that has been given by actual learners. These reviews are based on four factors.


  • The quality of the content was great and this course is exactly what I was looking for.
  • This course offers high quality transparent and easy-to-understand content. I am very happy with this instructor.
  • The content of this course is explained in a comprehensive manner and this course is exactly what I needed to get my work done. I really liked the way how all the content is taught.
  • This was an excellent course on entity framework. Not only was it well paced but offered methodical walkthroughs of the content. The attention to detail was great.
  • The course was to the point and good use of time. There was no unnecessary stretching of content and everything was clear.
  • The information is well structured and presented in a great manner.
  • The content of this course is simple yet helpful in understanding all about entity framework.
  • This is a very informative course that is suitable for all beginners.


  • The course was engaging, and well organized, and gave in-depth coverage of entity framework. I am very happy to have enrolled in this course as there was no other course as good as this one.
  • The material covered in this course has been presented in an organized manner. I believe the instructor succeeded in explaining all the concepts in a clear and concise manner.
  • This is a great course taught by a great instructor. The delivery style of the instructor was appealing and I would highly recommend this course to those interested.
  • The course offers great instructions which were easy to follow and understand.
  • The way all the tutorials were broken down into simple tasks made it easier to learn from the course.

Quality Practice:

  • The course offers very engaging exercises that helped me practice all the concepts taught in the course. I believe these exercises gave me a reason to stick to the course and complete it.
  • The instructor Mosh has managed to cover all about entity framework in an amazing manner. But yes some of the content needs to be updated.
  • This course has the ability to offer easy-to-follow and great explanations tying our work directly into real-world examples.

Career Benefit:

  • This course taught me why I should do certain things in certain ways. Overall the course turned out to be great and this is exactly what I was looking for to improve my skills.
  • Found this course on the internet and decided to enroll in it and happy to say I really enjoyed learning from this course. This course allowed me to continue in MS community meetups and stay updated with the technology.
  • This course offers concise and comprehensive information along with the practical implementation of examples. Whatever you learn in this course can be applied to the real world as well.

Learner’s Suggestions/Recommendations:

  • The content is no doubt excellent but one thing I would like to ask is if the instructor will update the content to reflect changes with EF Core. It is because some of the Fluent API configurations did not work with EF Core. So I was hoping if this problem could be fixed.
  • The content has somehow become a little obsolete so I really want Mosh to update to EF Core.
  • I would love to give this course a 5-star rating but what stopped me from doing that is the outdated content. Had the instructor updated the course frequently I would have given it 5 stars.
  • The course is good but at some point, I felt that some functions were left out in the first lessons, and if the instructor could just add them again, it would be really helpful.
  • There are many points in the course where the instructor is skipping a lot of setups and steps. I thought the course had step-by-step instructions but clearly, this is not the case.

Is this Course worth taking?

We believe this is a great course that has been taught by a great communicator and instructor. He not only explained the concepts in detail but gave sufficient explanations against every approach he used. Overall, this course offers many concepts that are worth learning for .NET Core so this course is worth one’s time, effort, and money.

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