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Best Scrum Test Questions and Answers


This post lists few important scrum questions with answers for scrum professionals to validate their skills. We’ll explore sample questions related to Scrum with multiple options as per the format of ScrumAlliance CSM and Scrum.org PSM certification exams and provide a complete step-by-step solution at the end with the correct answer.

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Scrum Test Questions and Answers:

Question 1:

Velocity includes the story points of completed as well as incomplete user stories at the end of the Sprint – True or False?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) True
  • B) False

Correct Answer: B

Solution Details:

For the calculation of velocity, only the story points of the “done” user stories are considered at the end of the sprint. Velocity is a measure of the average user story points delivered, not the effort expended which may or may not have resulted in a done increment. Check out Scrum Principles in different domains.

Question 2:

Sprint longer than one calendar month may result in?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) Too much to inspect in short meetings
  • B) Detached stakeholders
  • C) Increased complexity needing more traditional controls like documentation
  • D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

Solution Details:

Longer Sprints may result in a large backlog of items that may need an inspection, leading to reduced quality of the process. It may also result in a longer gap when stakeholders are shown the progress, and it might also increase a lot of process complexity.

Question 3:

During sprint execution, when are new sprint tasks added?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) When the product owner identifies a new task
  • B) Never. The sprint tasks are fixed and decided during sprint planning
  • C) As soon as possible after they are identified, unless they reflect a scope change in the sprint goals
  • D) When the scrum master identifies a new task

Correct Answer: C

Solution Details: 

The new Sprint tasks are added as soon as they are identified to the Sprint backlog, unless of course the new task reflects a change in the sprint goal, in which case it is added in the upcoming Sprint after discussion with the product owner. You might be interested in CSM practice test.

Further user can try the 3 complete CSM Practice Tests of 50 questions each and validate his/her skills before the actual exam.

Question 4:

What is the maximum amount of time that the team should spend in the daily scrum?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) As long as it takes
  • B) 15 minutes
  • C) 45 minutes
  • D) 15 minutes for a month long sprint, proportionally less for shorter Sprints

Correct Answer: B

Solution Details: 

The Daily Scrum is time-boxed to 15 minutes irrespective of the Sprint length.

Question 5:

If a user story is not completed in the Sprint, who is held responsible for it?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) Scrum Master
  • B) Individual who picked up the user story
  • C) Developers as a whole
  • D) No One

Correct Answer: C

Solution Details: 

Developers as per Scrum Guide 2020 (previously known as Development Team) as a whole are responsible for any incomplete user story.

Checkout more details on the Developers here:


Question 6:

Does the composition of Developers in Scrum Team remain constant?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) Always
  • B) Can change during the Sprints
  • C) Is constant for a sprint, can change for different sprints

Correct Answer: C

Solution Details: 

The term “Developers” is dynamic in nature and its composition can change between Sprints to accommodate members with required skill sets to convert the backlog items into done increments.

Question 7:

How does Definition of “Done” (DoD) help to the Scrum Team? Select all that apply

Choose the correct option:

  • A) DoD ensures artifact transparency
  • B) DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment
  • C) Guides the Developers in knowing how many Product Backlog items it can select during a Sprint Planning
  • D) DoD helps to calculate velocity of the Scrum Team

Correct Answer: A, B, C

Solution Details: 

Definition of “Done” ensures artifact transparency as it defines the parameters for the tasks which the developers are going to deliver, providing insights to the Product Owner on what to expect.

DoD is also as a guideline for the Developers to understand when the work is done.

DoD also helps the Developers define the scope of the tasks and the acceptance criteria for the backlog items to be considered as done, thereby helping them better estimate how much work it can deliver during the Sprint.

Question 8:

Defects are tracked separately and are not part of the Product Backlog – True or False?

Choose the correct option:

  • A) True
  • B) False

Correct Answer: B

Solution Details: 

Defects are part of the Product backlog and are tracked with all the other items in the backlog. Visit here for Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions.


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