Home Blog All About New PMP Certification Exam 2021

All About New PMP Certification Exam 2021


There is no hiding the fact that the PMP certification exam is one of the most difficult certification exams there are. And to be able to pass this exam, you need to prepare really well for the exam. Even when you think you have prepared enough for the exam, it is highly likely that you are going to fail this exam in the first attempt. Why? because nobody said this exam would be any easier for you. And that is why the PMP certified earn a good salary and have a respectful job.Checkout our complete PMP Certification Dumps and Practice Tests covering all subject areas, having 5 Practice Tests of 200 question each.

PMP Certification Exam new Version 2021:

The PMP certification exam 2021 doesn’t have the same format as it was 2 years ago or more. Instead the exam format changes after some time. Changes and announcement of change is always done by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As the project professionals are evolving, so does the PMP certification exam. And that is why the new version of the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam is going to be launched on January 2, 2021. And if you want to know what is changing then you need to keep on reading this article.

Our website offers valuable resources for PMP exam preparation, including a section dedicated to exploring project resource management exam prep.

The PMI claims that the project management professionals are in need of gaining more diverse skills and approaches more than ever now. And that is why, now is the time to add changes in the Project Management Certification exam. The exam will change on January 2, 2021 like we have just mentioned earlier. So all those people who are preparing for the PMP exam must now focus on three new domains.
PMP Certification Dumps-Project Cost Management

We recommend incorporating regular Test Preparation Exercises into your study routine for better results.

The three domains:

  • People.
  • Process.
  • Business environment.

Now what does these three domain mean, the percentage of these three domains included in the exam, and more is mentioned below.


You need to prepare in a way that emphasizes the skills and activities associated with leading a project team in the most meticulous possible manner.


What is the right way to reinforce the technical aspects of managing a project from start to end.

Business Environment:

Here you need to understand and highlight the connection between the different projects and organization strategy that should be used.

One important thing that you should know is that all the content that includes the value delivery spectrum, predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches will be included across all these three exam domains.

Proportion of Questions from each Domain:

Domain Percentage of items on Test
People 42%
Process 50%
Business environment 8%
Total 100%

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New Format of the PMP Certified Exam 2021:

Below are the details that you should know about the format of the PMP certified exam 2021.

  • The new exam is going to have 180 questions in total. Now to all those people who are taking this exam for the first time, the previous exam had 200 questions in it. So yay, 20 less questions for you now. But note that the scoring will be the same.
  • You will be given a total of 230 minutes to complete this exam. After this time, you won’t be allowed to write even a single word. So adjust accordingly.
  • For computer-based tests, you will be given one additional break for a total of two 10-minutes breaks. But there won’t be any breaks for paper-based exams.
  • All the 180 questions will be in the form of multiple choice, multiple responses, hotpots, matching, and limited fill in the blanks. So, make sure that you are prepared for all these type of questions.

Final Thoughts:

As you can see, the new version of the PMP certified exam has three new domains and also the exam format is mentioned above. Thus reading this article will give you everything you need to know about the new version. So, read this article now and never stop learning.

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