Home Collections 10 Best Microservices Online Training Courses & Certification 2024

10 Best Microservices Online Training Courses & Certification 2024 [Updated]


A team of experts at takethiscourse.net has listed down 10 best Microservices Online Training Courses for people who are interested in this field. So take a good look at this list and find yourself the most suitable training course now.

  1. Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
  2. Service-Oriented Architecture
  3. Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
  4. Microservices with Spring Cloud
  5. Building Containerized Applications on AWS
  6. Microservices with Node JS and React
  7. Microservices Architecture
  8. Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud
  9. Microservices Software Architecture: Patterns and Techniques
  10. AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications
In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

Best Microservices Online Training Courses List:

ADPreparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam

      • Google Cloud via Coursera
      • 11 hours of effort required
      • 26,877+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (711 Ratings)

saveBuilding Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

      • Google Cloud via Coursera
      • 14 hours of effort required
      • 24,647+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (425 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

BuildinACg Scalable java Microservices With spring boot and spring cloudIn this Microservices Online training engaging course, you are going to learn a lot about microservices. The course will start with how to build Microservices in Java using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud on the Google Cloud Platform. Similarly, then you will learn to use cloud runtime configuration and spring cloud configuration to manage your application’s application. Furthermore, the instructor will also explain how you can send and receive messages with cloud pub/sub and spring integration. With all this, next, you will learn about tracing and debugging your spring applications with stack driver and more.

Taking this course was a wonderful experience for me. The course has plenty of explanation on different topics. It really helped me understand how to build micro service based application that is enabled with GCP services (BN, ★★★★★).

saveService-Oriented Architecture

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Service oriented architechtureThis Microservices online training course is packed with a variety of skills that you can learn in the comfort of your home. When you complete this Microservices online training course, you would have a great understanding of a variety of concepts. For example, you will be able to describe Service-Oriented Architecture to structure web-based systems. Next, you will be capable enough to explain the WS* services which are SOAP over HTTP, WSDL, UDDI, BPEL. Similarly, going further, you will learn to apply REST architecture. Furthermore, how you can identify REST design principles is also what you’ll learn after completing the course. Moreover, you will also be able to create a system using REST interfaces and applying microservice architecture. Check out more Free Online Courses with Certificates from the University of Alberta here.

I would like to thank the instructor for giving me this wonderful opportunity to participate in this course. The course was great and had useful information in it. I learned a lot about service oriented architecture (Meysam F, ★★★★★).

saveMaster Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

      • 28Minutes Official via Udemy
      • 79,548+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (18,318 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Master micro services with Spring Boot and spring CloudA fun-filled and awesome journey from restful web services to microservices with Java, Spring boot, and spring cloud is what this course is about. You will learn to develop and design RESTful web services with spring boot. Similarly, how to monitor RESTful Services with spring boot actuator and document RESTful web services with swagger is also a part. Moreover, you will be taught all the best practices in designing RESTful web services Microservices online training course. This course is one of the highly recommended in this list of Microservices Online Training Courses. The instructor has tried to be as engaging as possible so that people like you can make the most out of it. How to simplify communication with other Microservices using Feign REST client and much more will be learned. You can follow here for Cloud Computing Courses list.

This was a well-presented course where the instructor writes the code while teaching. The course is perfect and really helps you learn to code (Felipe Martins, ★★★★★).

saveMicroservices with Spring Cloud

        • Ken Krueger via Udemy
        • 23,549+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★☆ (5,568 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Microservices with Spring CloudWant to dive deep into the Microservice architectural style and learn how to implement it with spring technology? Upon completing this Microservices online training course, you will be able to articulate the microservices architectural style and understand its advantages and disadvantages. With that, you will be learning to build simple spring boot applications utilizing web interfaces, HATEOAS, etc. Furthermore, you will also learn to build microservice applications utilizing different spring cloud sub-projects. This also includes configuration server & Bus, Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, Feign, and more.

A great course that encloses in it very easy to understand topics. The structure of each of the topic slides is great (Manu, ★★★★★).

saveBuilding Containerized Applications on AWS

      • AWS via Coursera
      • 10 hours of effort required
      • ★★★★★ (9 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Building Cintainerrized Application ON AwsA perfect Microservices online training course to help you learn about container technologies and how to use them to modernize your applications. The instructor has explained everything in the course that is related to container technologies. Concepts like Docker and Kubernetes will also be discussed. All of its features and how and why there are used will be explained as well. Similarly, you will also learn to handle the starting, stopping, scaling out, and scaling in of all the containers. Thus this and much more will be learned from this informational course.

I can say that this is unquestionably one of the most fun and informational courses I have ever taken online (Noble M, ★★★★★).

saveMicroservices with Node JS and React

      • Stephen Grider via Udemy
      • 12,280+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (1,216 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Micro Services With Node JS and ReactWhat you will learn from this Microservices online training course is to build, deploy, and scale an E-Commerce app using microservices built with Node, React, Docker, and Kubernetes. Next, you will learn to architect large, scalable apps through a collection of microservices. Furthermore, you will be able to deploy a multi-service app to the cloud with Docker and Kubernetes. Next, you are going to solve the concurrency issues in a distributed systems environment as well. How you can leverage your JavaScript skills to build a complex web app and much more will be learned.

It was an amazing course that has so much to offer about new technology. The instructor Stephen is great and has explained everything with full determination (Mathias Eichel, ★★★★★).

saveMicroservices Architecture

      • Rag Dhiman via Pluralsight
      • Skill Level: Intermediate
      • ★★★★☆ (1,205 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Micro services ArchitecturePluralsight is a platform that has been providing many online courses covering a wide range of disciplines. Among the variety of courses available on this platform, Microservices architecture is also one of them. In this engaging and informational course, you will get a complete introduction of microservices. With that Microservices online training, you are going to learn all its designs, will be listing the technology considerations. Furthermore, you will also be highlighting how you can move forward with microservices and much more.

saveSpring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud

      • Sergey Kargopolov via Udemy
      • 10,062+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (2,094 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Spring Boot Microservices and spring cloudLearning to build RESTful microservices with spring boot and spring cloud and that too at your ease and pace is not a problem anymore. It is because of this course, you can learn all about microservices easily. You will learn to build and run RESTful microservices. With that, you will understand how to implement user authentication. Not just that, you will also be learning to implement user authorization with spring security and JWT. Similarly, you’ll understand the Zuul API gateway and a load balancer as well and much more.

This was an informative course and fully hands-on from beginning to end. The teacher has explained plenty of concepts in an engaging manner (Ajay Srinivasa, ★★★★★).

saveMicroservices Software Architecture: Patterns and Techniques

      • Binary Brain via Udemy
      • 23,165+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (5,102 Ratings)
Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Microservices software architecture Pattern and techniquesA course as part of Microservices Online Training classes that has been designed in a way to help you learn all about microservices architecture. You will learn to design and implement microservice systems using the right architecture design patterns. With that, you will learn to implement software architecture patterns for a distributed system. This will allow scalability whilst maintaining consistency. Similarly, after that, you are going to understand the techniques to help you in designing, developing, deploying, and monitoring your microservice-based system as well. Moreover, you will be able to identify technical challenges and common pitfalls as well. You can also find out more top free online Courses with certificates at takethiscourse.net Platform.

This course has given me the perfect overview of the concepts relevant to microservices while at the same time going in-depth about how to implement different solutions (Exequiel Amelotti, ★★★★★).

saveAWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

AWS Fundamentals building Serverless ApplicationUsing real-world examples, you are going to learn all about AWS (Amazon Web Services) serverless architecture. The Microservices Online training course has a lot to offer as it uses hands-on exercises to help you learn the skills in building and deploying serverless solutions. You will be gaining a variety of skills by the end of this course. These include AWS Lambda, Amazon Lex, Amazon API Gateway, Serverless Architecture, and Amazon Dynamodb.

A very effective course that has so much to teach about Amazon, Lex, and Lambda. The lab exercises were also very effective and easy to understand (Prabin PS, ★★★★★).

ADBuild Microservices with .NET Core 3.x & Amazon Web Services

      • Aref K. via Udemy
      • 2,614+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (469 Ratings)

AD.NET Core Microservices

      • Packt Publishing via Udemy
      • 3,981+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (925 Ratings)

So these were some of the best Microservices online training courses and some platforms that offer training regarding microservices. Each of these courses and platforms is authentic and competitive which means that whatever you decide for yourself will be worth your time. So pick a learning resource now, stay home, stay safe, but never stop learning.