Home Collections 10 Best Miriadax Courses and MOOCs

10 Best Miriadax Courses and MOOCs


A group of 5+ members at takethiscourse.net have compiled a list that has the top 10 Miriadax courses and MOOCs. This Miriadax Courses list has been published after careful research and will be quite helpful to all our learners. 

Our experts have enlisted Best Miriadax Courses for you to learn from:

  1. Printing in 3D
  2. Implementation and Management of Moodle for Educational Institutes
  3. TREENNOVA: Of nature, entrepreneurship, and sustainability
  4. Statistics for researchers: Everything you always wanted to know
  5. Advanced Strategy for Entrepreneurs
  6. Life Coaching
  7. Descriptive statistics
  8. Computational Thinking at School
  9. Introduction to Science and Engineering Programming
  10. Basic probability

List of best Miriadax Courses:

savePrinting in 3D

      • Polytechnic University of Madrid via Miriadax
      • 35 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆

Printing in 3d

This printing in 3D course aims to bring users closer to the ever-changing technology that has been revolutionizing the productive world. With this course in hand, you will learn all the basics of tools of this additive process of manufacturing objects. Different topics will be covered in the course like first you will understand what 3D printing technologies are. Then, you will learn the types of software for design and 3D printing. Furthermore, you will also learn what FDM printing and many other topics.  You can find out 3D Art Courses at takethiscourse.net.

saveImplementation and Management of Moodle for Educational Institutes

      • Universidad ICESI via Miriadax
      • 30 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆

Implrmentation and management

In this course, you will get to know what Moodle is and its purpose. You will be taught to create and configure a free account in MoodleCloud. Similarly, you will identify the work environment on the Moodle platform as well. Moreover, you will know the techniques to configure a theme and then carry out the management of courses. Furthermore, you will also learn to construct questionnaires correctly and safely. 

saveTREENNOVA: Of nature, entrepreneurship, and sustainability

      • Polytechnic University of Madrid via Miriadax
      • 18 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆


A complete course to guide you to acquire the entrepreneurial skills to help you transform the opportunities presented by natural capital to a business plan. You will learn about how to respond to the challenges presented by the growing interest in the forest bioeconomy. Similarly, you will be provided with a reality-based approach in the field of ecosystem services. And providing sustainable business opportunities and environmental benefits. So to develop training opportunities for you, you can consider this course a perfect way to understand what entrepreneurship and sustainability is and your part here. 

saveStatistics for researchers: Everything you always wanted to know

      • University of Salamanca via Miriadax
      • 35 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆  (482 Ratings)


If you have ever felt that you have problems with statistics or are not able to understand this subject, then this course is for you. It is a perfect course that is suitable for researchers and students who have to complete their final degree projects. The course starts without prior knowledge level and is designed for everyone who has an interest in statistics. Whether for studies in social sciences or health sciences, with this course you will understand the advantages and limitations of each of the techniques. So taking this course can turn out to be of great help to all those who need to understand the technicalities of statistics. 


saveAdvanced Strategy for Entrepreneurs

      • Abat Oliba CEU University via Miriadax
      • 35 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish

Advanced strategy

Get your hands on the most helpful and thorough lecture videos and learning material through this course. The course has different modules in it and with each module comes a different topic for you to learn. You will start with the presentation and methodology. Then you will learn about the strategies that you will be following. Furthermore, the course will highlight for you the easiest ways to become innovative and start thinking out of the box. Similarly, you will also understand how to implement such innovations. Thus you will get to know all the advanced strategies that can help you as an entrepreneur.

saveLife Coaching

      • Ricardo Palma University via Miriadax
      • 20 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆  (517 Ratings)

Life coaching

In this course, you will discover the areas that need to be developed in your life and become more stable mentally. You will be given such training that will help you move forward. And to also break down all the barriers that are in the way of advancing your personal development. The course starts with the theoretical bases that support coaching from a systematic approach. Next, you will understand the foundations in the biology of love, evolution, and the general theory of systems. Similarly, you will be taught to make a diagnosis of your own life through technique. These include the wheel of life and other simple techniques that will help you break limiting beliefs.  

saveDescriptive statistics

      • Polytechnic University of Cartagena via Miriadax
      • 16 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆  (328 Ratings)

Discriptive statistics

This descriptive statistics has the fundamental contents on descriptive statistics that have been explained quite thoroughly. You will start with one-dimensional statistics and will understand other concepts of statistical variables and tables. Whether you want to understand the simple data tables or data tables grouped in intervals and statistical graphs. You can learn all about it from this course. Next, you will get a complete introduction to centralization and dispersion measures for each of the table types. Furthermore, you will also get to know about two-dimensional statistical variables, parameters, and regression lines. 

saveComputational Thinking at School

      • University of the Basque Country via Miriadax
      • 20 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆  (179 Ratings)

Computational thinking

You can consider this course as a complete guide to understand what the computational thinking model is. The course offers a complete and thorough overview of how you can deal with your daily problems. With that, you will also understand their applications and get the training you need to act logically at school. The course has two components and in the first one, you will get a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind computational thinking. And in the second one is a practical introduction to the implementation of computational thinking through two things. The first one is the Scratch language and the other one is the programming environment. Therefore, completing this course will enable you to identify the computational terms of everyday life problems.  

saveIntroduction to Science and Engineering Programming

      • Polytechnic University of Madrid via Miriadax
      • 22 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish

Introduction to science

Want to become smart enough to write your own programs and that too using free software? Take this challenging now and learn how to do it efficiently. The course uses the M language that is available in MATLAB and Octave UPM packages. These two are widely used in science and engineering and it will be fun to learn to use them. The course doesn’t demand to have prior knowledge in this field rather anyone interested can take it. Thus upon completing the course, you will be able to not only take charge of your computer. But also become capable enough to write your own programs using simple graphics even. 

saveBasic probability

      • Polytechnic University of Cartagena via Miriadax
      • 35 hours of effort required
      • Language: Spanish
      • ★★★★☆  (150 Ratings)

Basic Probability

Today’s modern probability comes with multiple applications and appears in different fields. It appears in science, engineering, and many other important subjects. Not just that, it is also linked closely with statistics so it is important to understand completely what probability is. This course aims to present probability contents at the secondary education level. First, you will get a complete introduction to the basic concepts of random experiment and associated probability. Then you will deal with independent events and conditional probability. Furthermore, you will get a complete introduction to the Total Probability Theorem and Bayes’ Theorem. Then you will understand the concept of a random variable and other associated probability function and parameters and more.

Checkout MOOC Options from Top Universities/Organizations in various domains

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Business Courses
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Blockchain Courses
20+ Courses

Data Science Courses
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Mobile App Development Courses
50+ Courses

So take a look at what each Miriadax course has to offer and then decide which Miriadax course is according to your need or interest. And don’t forget to keep yourself safe and healthy, and never stop learning.