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How to Improve Paraverbal Communication Skills?


The way you talk says a great deal about you. Ever wonder about how distinctively a person says something, the tone, and pitch of their voice, or even how they enunciate words? If you did, you might be interested in learning more about it.

We might be drawn or put off by a voice because how you say something counts just as much as what you’re saying – Eaton C explains.

In this article, Takethiscourse dives into the most trending form of speech. Starting from what is preverbal communication to why is it helpful, what are its components and how can you use it to identify a person’s behavior, get to know everything. We’ll even share some great tips with you so that you can start turning debates into your favor through just speech!

What is Paraverbal Communication?

The thoughts conveyed through the tone, pitch, and rhythm of voice are referred to as paraverbal communication in linguistics. Commonly noted as to how we say things rather than what we actually say.

According to Professor Mehrabian, the paraverbal communication accounts for around 38% of what is spoken towards someone.

When we are furious or excited, bored or depressed, defensive or outraged, our speech becomes fast, abrupt, slow, or higher pitched.

According to Donovan (2017), “paraverbal communication could help enormously that the more you pay attention to how a client reacts to you, you can find things about a perfect approach and alter them to satisfy that particular client.”

You can also use paraverbal communication to train other professionals so that you can benefit anyone. You might also be interested in how To improve communication skills For workplace success.

In a nutshell, paraverbal communication or non-verbal communication is all about the expression of speech and delivery of words depending on the moods of a person. Now we’ll tell you some interesting examples to help you understand paraverbal communication better.

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Examples of Paraverbal Communication

You may need to influence, motivate, or urge others to do something. To make your point, you can utilize stories, evidence, or even statistics. Consider the following examples:

  • I always want the best for you.” ‎(Assuming a specific instance)‎
  • “I always want the best for you,” (implying a relationship)
  • “I always want the best for you,” (implying universality)

Through these examples, you’re able to realize the elements of nonverbal communication where your body language and facial expressions say a lot about your impression.

Why paraverbal Communication is Needed?

Verbal communication

Because words alone are insufficient to convey a message, paraverbal abilities are essential for effective social interaction. That being said, to express relevant and successful verbal messages, individuals instinctively adopt paraverbal communication for guidance and support. Communication or presentation can be improved by employing the appropriate tone, pace, and pitch.

Paraverbal communication, encompassing the tone, pitch, and speed of our speech, plays a pivotal role in how our messages are received. It’s not just what we say, but how we say it that shapes understanding, explains Dr. Amelia Richardson, who is a linguistics professor and has specialized in non-verbal communication.

Using appropriate pauses and emphasizing keywords or phrases can also aid in delivering quality content to listeners.  Since a speaker’s process of interaction greatly influences communication in para verbal communication. Whether you want to use it to your benefit or not, it’s your call. You can also checkout understanding intrapersonal communication.

What are the 3 components of Paraverbal Communication?

In fostering a powerful involvement of both the parties, make the conversation more impactful by following the key 3 components-pitch, tone, and speed. Pitch involves the accurate level of voice, the tone is all about mannerism and speed concerns the velocity of speech. In terms of paraverbal communication, in comparison to verbal communication, which involves the use of words alone, other factors must be highlighted that fall under the nonverbal communication categories:



Pitch refers to how strong or weak your voice levels are. A high pitch, a low bass, or a baritone- all sound different in an ongoing conversation. Individuals generally high raise their voices for numerous reasons.  Just as we said earlier, in connection with anxiety or distress, or the speaker’s seriousness and authority even friendliness and enjoyment can be induced through the variations in pitch.

How can you change the pitch of your voice?

When listening to a speech or engaging in a discussion, people will immediately notice and respond to the pitch that is stronger and firm in voice in order to guess the speaker’s temperament, tone, and mood. The change in pitch may aid to keep the other participants feel more engaged in a discussion while also increasing the chances to pay attention to the subject matter.


The tone is the use of multiple frequencies to form and maintain an atmosphere. It’s all about transmitting the speakers’ messages effectively. It is preferable to respond with more mannerisms in the voice instead of speaking blandly when interacting. If the speaker does not modify the way the words sound at different moments during a speech, it may come across as dull. As a result, you can employ more emphasis in some locations, at a faster or slower pace, and soothing supportive tones.

How do Tones impact your Communication?

Instilling diversity in tones helps increase listeners’ involvement in the conversation or speech that is taking place. People are more inclined to pay attention to speakers when they speak softly, whereas raising their voices may give off a different sense. The tone of one’s voice can also alter the atmosphere of a conversation or speech.


Let us talk about the speed at which you speak yourself.  When presenting a report, you may find yourself speaking faster without realizing it. This can give your listeners the impression that you’re nervous. Similarly, when you are terrified, your words will naturally accelerate. If you speak naturally it can demonstrate that you are calm and confident. Based on how quickly or slowly you speak, it might either reflect nervousness or enthusiasm.

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How speed affects your Conversation?

The tone of the communication also influences by the statement’s pace. When giving a presentation, speaking at a rapid pace may give the listener the idea that the speaker is nervous. Therefore, try to speak naturally and gradually enhance the speed of your speech. Slowing down the speech moderately, on the other hand, conveys a sense of calm and strength.

Scientific studies have consistently shown that para-verbal cues significantly impact communication effectiveness. For instance, varying your speech rate can either engage listeners or cause disinterest, highlighting the power of these non-verbal elements, states Johnathan Lee (He is a communication coach and has over a decade of experience in public speaking training.)

The above-mentioned components are highly important in Paraverbal communication. Help yourselves and improvise your way of talking to get the best of everything.

Tips on how to improve Paraverbal Communication Skills‎

1. Pay attention to your tone

The tone of your voice can inform your audience about a lot of things. From indicating your mood and attitude to your level of confidence, the tone of your voice is a crucial feature that can give away information about you. In order to improve your paraverbal communication skills, you must take care of your tone. Be confident and show it through your tone. Speak clearly while conveying your message and communicate with enthusiasm and energy.

2. Practice good posture

Your posture can also convey your feelings and moods during the conversations. It affects your paraverbal communication skills. So in order to appear confident and assertive, it is best to sit or stand straight as a slouched posture can show that you’re uninterested and can indicate your lack of engagement. You must practice a good posture for important situations like presentations, meetings, conversations, and more.

3. Adjust your volume and pace

The volume and pace of your speech can also affect your paraverbal communication skills a lot. If you are too loud or speak too quickly it will be harder for your audience to understand you, whereas if you speak too slowly or too quietly you can appear disengaged or as someone who lacks confidence. It is ideal to change your volume and pace according to the situation so that your message gets across clearly and it is according to the audience’s requirements.

4. Use emphasis and intonation

Emphasis and intonation are also an important part of your speech. Emphasizing certain words or sentences can help you convey their importance and let your audience know that this piece of information is something interesting while changing the intonation of your voice can express the emotions you’re feeling and your attitude. Practicing the use of emphasis and intonation can help you improve your paraverbal communication skills.

5. Listen to yourself

Reviewing your speech is one of the best ways you can improve your paraverbal communication skills. It is suggested that you record yourself during conversations, meetings, and different situations and then analyze the conversation to see if you need to improve in any area. Focus on the paraverbal elements like tone, volume, pace, etc.

6. Practice active listening

Active listening is also an important tool that helps you improve your paraverbal communication skills. When you listen attentively to the other person you can observe the paraveral and non paraverbal elements of communication and that helps you respond in a way that conveys that you respect and understand the other person. It is important to practice during conversations, meetings, and other necessary situations.

7. Seek feedback

Lastly, you must seek feedback from your audience on your paraverbal communication skills. Allow them to constructively criticize you and put their tips and pieces of advice into action. You can ask your family, friends, colleagues, etc. It is helpful to work with a communication coach or take a course on communication skills to help improve your skills.

Final Thoughts

Though the words are the same, the delivery can change the mood of an entire dialogue. And your paraverbal communication adds even more meaning to the words you say. If you want to improve how you’re perceived as a leader, you need to work on paraverbal communication skills instantly and get straight A’s!

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