Home Collections 15 Best Acting Classes & Training Courses 2023

15 Best Acting Classes & Training Courses 2023 [Updated]


Acting is an art of conveying a story visually. In the process of acting the story is told through its performance by an actor or actress who adopts a character. Acting requires a great deal of skills, and an exceptional understanding of the character and personality about whom you want to act about. We gathered a number of acting courses and tried all of them. After a lot of testing this list of 15 Best Acting Classes & Training Courses was made.

We have compiled the top 15 best Acting Classes & Training Courses which will help you learn Acting:

  1. Masterclass: Samuel L. Jackson Teaches Acting
  2. Masterclass: Natalie Portman Teaches Acting
  3. Professional 10 Hour Acting MASTERCLASS
  4. Acting 101 for Adults
  5. Acting Techniques Masterclass – Learn 9 Different Techniques From 9 Master Teachers
  6. Directing the Actor: A USC course with Nina Foch
  7. Masterclass: Helen Mirren Teaches Acting (Masterclass)
  8. A Comprehensive Guide to Child Acting
  9. Stage Milk Drama School (Stage Milk Drama School)
  10. How To Book Acting Jobs
  11. How I Booked 8 Acting Roles On Major TV Shows in a Year
  12. Method Acting For Sane Actors
  13. Creating a Short Film: Working with Actors
  14. Acting MASTERCLASS
  15. Ready 4 Action! Your 4-Part Guide to Becoming an Actor in Film and TV

List of Best Acting Classes:


Masterclass: Samuel L. Jackson Teaches Acting

      • Samuel L. Jackson via Masterclass
      • 21 Video Lessons
      • ★★★★★

Master Class Samuel LYou all are probably familiar with Samuel L. Jackson, and you might even be a big fan of his acting, but do you know that when he was young, he stuttered so badly that he stopped talking for almost a year. Now you look at him as one of the most iconic actors. In this course, you are being given a really big opportunity to learn directly from him. He will be sharing his personal experiences with you, which can prove to be very futile in your career as an actor. He will teach you how to break down a script in a very detailed manner. You will also gain an understanding of how to build character and how to physically characterize them.


Masterclass: Natalie Portman Teaches Acting

      • Natalie Portman via Masterclass
      • 20 Video Lessons
      • ★★★★★

Master Class NatalieWe all know how difficult it is to make it into Hollywood, but Natalie Portman is here to teach you the techniques that made her win Oscar. As we all know Natalie is a self-taught actor, through her, you can learn how to control difficult feelings such as self-consciousness and vulnerability. She will go through some techniques that can help you in getting to know the character in a better way. She will also tell you how it feels like working on a set, how to perform better on camera, how to deal with directors in order to have a successful collaboration with them, and a lot more. You can also find out furry art concepts at takethiscourse.net.


Professional 10 Hour Acting MASTERCLASS

      • The Academy Program via Udemy
      • 3,522+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (377 Reviews)

Professional 10 Hour actin masterclassWant to learn acting in just 10 hours? If yes, then this course is ideal for you. Through this comprehensive course, you can become a great actor. With this course, start preparing to get into character at a quickened pace. Get to know what it means to be an actor, and how to walk into a room with confidence. Hurry up and enroll for this course and start building believable and honest characters. These acting classes will help you in becoming capable to properly run through a scene/script. You can have a personal foundation for your acting and know how to have fun again/bring YOURSELF to the work

Splendid. I haven’t got the best preparation as an actor in the previous two years, and I was beginning to panic. I did not know if I was good enough to be an actor or if I actually had the ability to become an actor. But this course has put me directly in the groove again. Much thanks to you for returning me to essentials and reassuring me (Rachel Georgia Beck, ★★★★★).


Acting 101 for Adults

      • Academy of Film Fashion and Design via Udemy
      • 1,629+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★  (350 Reviews)

Acting 101 for adultsThese 17 lectured classes course will help you in fulfilling your dream to be in front of the camera, acting in a major motion picture, etc. This course is here to help you to get used to the acting process and acting in an industry. You can learn to present yourself in the market and how to give your best while auditioning. In this course, you will be covering some important topics such as your portrayal toolbox, agents, knowing your type, preparing a monologue, basic slating, and commercial auditioning. By the end of this course, you will have all of the secrets of success in local markets and in Hollywood.

I’m unquestionably learning a few things and thinking about alternate points of view. The course is phenomenal, something worth reflecting on. This course has taught me that no matter how much you know or think you know there is consistently space to be better. I really began to record a few highlights. I highly suggest this course (Chris Melland, ★★★★★).



Acting Techniques Masterclass – Learn 9 Different Techniques From 9 Master Teachers

      • Skill Collective via Skillshare
      • 3,112+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (144 Ratings)

Acting techniques masterclassActing is no more than art, it is an art in its own perspective. Acting too takes lots of effort, practice, and confidence. It is not about just being able to stand in front of a camera, in fact, it is a lot more than that. In this course, you will not just learn an acting technique but rather you will get introduced to some of the many techniques that are being taught and used around the world. A few of them are The Stanislavsky Technique, The Strasberg Method, The Adler Technique, and The Meisner Technique. This course is one of the best online courses if you want to learn true acting techniques. You can checkout magna art school how to draw anime at takethiscourse platform.

This was an amazing update on fundamental methods and gave me a reasonable outline of everyone. It helped to figure out which techniques may work best for me so I can further dive into my own study of them. Much obliged to you for an astounding course (Samantha Weinstein, ★★★★★).


Directing the Actor: A USC course with Nina Foch

      • Nina Foch, Randal Kleiser via Udemy
      • 3,667+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (810 Reviews)

Direction the actorThis course is a big chance to learn from renowned actress Nina Foch. First, you will get introduced to what acting really is, and what are some important skills that everyone needs to develop to ace in this field. Then slowly through multiple lectures, you will be covering topics such as breaking down the script, casting, video scenes analysis, etc. You will also be given different acting classes exercises to practice what you learn. As you continue practicing and learning, you will gain some acting tips, what to do and what to not. Similarly, you will also learn from these acting classes about what it is like directing and a lot more.

I’m so thankful to have gotten an opportunity to perceive how somebody as capable, as Nina can help us actors to gain back our confidence. I might be a little old but I know Nina has a great impact on people from all over the world (Joseph Foo, ★★★★★).


Masterclass: Helen Mirren Teaches Acting (Masterclass)

      • Helen Mirren via Masterclass
      • 28 Video Lessons
      • ★★★★★

Masterclass helenYou are probably here because you thing the auditions, the acting, the busy schedule is the hardest part of being an actor. But according to Academy Award-winning actress Helen Mirren, the most difficult or the hardest thing being an actor is to walk naturally, while acting. Lucky for you, in this course, she will give you some walking tips, and much more. In the journey of this course, she will first start with sharing by her theatre acting experience and how through, her experience, she learned the value of voice training, physicality, and control. You will also learn about the process of breaking down a script; Shakespeare; finding your character, makeup; preparation and rehearsal, human behavior, film acting technique, and acting on a film set. Explore our selection of Voice Over Classes Online to find the perfect course that meets your needs and skill level.


A Comprehensive Guide to Child Acting

      • Academy of Film Fashion and Design via Udemy
      • 130+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (41 Reviews)

A Comprehensive guide to child actingThis is a great course for parents of child actors to take so they can study what they require to do to help their child succeed. Child acting by the name seems very easy but in reality, it is a very difficult task to undertake. In this course, you can learn all of the skills to shine like a star at auditions, and what it takes to cope with industry expectations. With this course, you can prepare for an audition, commercial audition, how to pick a monologue or how to give a monologue, and a lot more. By the end of this course, you will know how to take care of the business side of things when it comes to agents, managers, directors, etc.

There was a ton that he discussed, like how he arrived and how he needed to do the things that he needed to do and he clarified the reasons why he needed to do them. Additionally, he is my #1 favorite actor. I couldn’t want anything more than to keep gaining from him (Tosin ★★★★★).


Stage Milk Drama School (Stage Milk Drama School)

      • via Stage Milk Drama School
      • Duration: 8 weeks
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Stage Milk Darama SchoolThis course is great if you are looking for details about the world of acting. In this eight week course, you will have lots and lots to learn and study. There will be hardy training, and you will be given a lot of learning materials to consult from. Despite this course is an online course, you will still be given personal coaching, and you can even receive personal feedback from instructors. Moreover, this course has been divided into eight different modules, each covering a different topic for the ease of the learners. Something special about this course is that you will not just have one instructor but a variety of experts who each concentrate in a specific character of acting. You might also be interested in 3D Art Courses here.


How To Book Acting Jobs

      • Amy Lyndon via Udemy
      • 157+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (71 Reviews)

How to book acting jobsWithout getting a job being a great actor is useless. Sometimes getting a job depends on luck, but in most cases, it involves some techniques. In this course, you will be covering all those techniques that will give you a better chance at success. You will start with the introductory videos and then slowly proceed to effective lectures. The course is broken down into different topics such as booking is a separate beast, how to book acting jobs, the application, and assignments. By the end of the course, you can have a straightforward approach to break down scripts accurately and tell the story as the writer proposed.

Amy’s course is such an incredible course for any actor that is needing to be among those actors that are effective in the business. I’ve adapted such a great amount on the best way to be a superior actor as well as be a superior storyteller. I energetically suggest this course (Brandon Reed, ★★★★★).


How I Booked 8 Acting Roles On Major TV Shows in a Year

      • Brennan Taylor via Udemy
      • 1,909+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (319 Reviews)

How i booked 8 acting on major tv show in a yearThis course is slightly different than any other course. In this course, you will not be learning how to act but in fact, you will be learning how to secure your future as an actor. You can learn how to make acting a profession rather than just a passion. By learning through this course, you will be capable enough to book jobs successfully and with consistency. The instructor of this course will help you to develop techniques for success using his own personal experiences and journey. After the successful completion of this course, you will have all of the tools you need to become a working actor.

Very useful course with a lot of tips. As a nonexpert actor, I committed numerous errors during my work on my short career as an actor. Presently I’m thinking to all the more truly work on acting, and this entire course will be a decent base. Adequately short, yet everything is useful (Laurent Audren, ★★★★★).


Method Acting For Sane Actors

      • Kevin Cox via Udemy
      • 243+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (51 Reviews)

Method acting for sane actorsThis course is for all levels, beginner to advance, even working actors can also benefit from this course. The tentative exercises in this course will help you to bring greater depth and reality to your characters. This course is the single easiest way to stop faking emotions, you can discover exactly how to start creating a character. The lectures of this course are easy to understand and you can quickly absorb all of the knowledge, you will learn how to be more free and in the moment. You can learn the instructor’s easy to apply strategy to create a character quickly. Moreover, this course is packed full of tips and tricks to become a great sane actor.

My reason for taking this course was to get familiar with somewhat more techniques and procedures for acting. The strategies are not difficult to apply and are incredible. Introduction and guidance were marvelously cool and supportively fun (Edwin Schasteen, ★★★★★).


Creating a Short Film: Working with Actors

      • Chad Perkins via LinkedIn Learning
      • 6,002 viewers
      • Skill Level: Introductory

Creating a short FilmIn this course, you will not be learning how to become an actor, you will be learning how to work with the actors. You will learn about all of the struggles that a filmmaker goes through and what are those skills that can make you a great filmmaker. You will learn everything about the making of the film from writing and directing to editing and screening the film. You can learn about finding and auditioning actors for different roles. In this course, you will delve deeper into the theory of acting: being vs. pretending, understanding character motive, and evaluating the script. By the end of this course, you will know the importance of rehearsals, and how to get great voiceover in post.



      • Gabriel Burrafato via Skillshare
      • 463+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (20 Ratings)

Acting MasterclassAward-Winning Actor/Singer Gabriel Burrafato will be teaching you how to turn your dreams into reality. This course is a summary of all of the techniques that Gabriel Burrafato has developed in the time of 20 years. You can gain these 20 years of experience by just learning through this course. In the series of classes of this course, you will be developing the communication skills, which are very important for the delivery of clear dialogues. You will gain the confidence of speaking publicly by the number of practice exercises in this course. At the end of this course, you will be called a confident actor who can mold into any character.

Awesome course, very much explained, and an incredible instructor. The knowledge is acceptable for amateurs for the part. However, a few things are helpful for actors with some experience in some areas. I just miss going further into certain exercises, yet it’s strong information. Worth the time. I’ll look at more courses by him (Diego Rueda, ★★★★★).


Ready 4 Action! Your 4-Part Guide to Becoming an Actor in Film and TV

      • Laura Lieben via Skillshare
      • 615+ already enrolled!
      • 6 Project included
      • ★★★★★ (18 Ratings)

You are probably not ready to start your career as an actor in film and television? But do not worry, you will be completely ready after the completion of this course. The actress Laura Lieben, will help you through your journey for acting. Laura believes in the four pillars of acting. The first one is Position Yourself for Success, in this, you will learn what sets the pros apart from the wannabes. The second pillar is Refine Your Unique Product, in this, you will be learning to present your uniqueness into the market. The third and fourth pillars are Create Your Acting Toolbox and Market Your Acting Business respectively. By keeping in mind these pillars anyone can become a great actor.

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Hence this is the list for best acting classes & courses. All of the courses are unique in their own way. You do not need to be scared before choosing the course because through any of these acting classes you can learn a great deal of things. We hope you find this list helpful. Stay safe at home and just keep learning more and more.