Home Collections UC Learn – Top 8 Free Online Courses & MOOCs

UC Learn – Top 8 Free Online Courses & MOOCs


A group of 5+ members at takethiscourse.net has done some research and after careful consideration, we present to you a list of top 8 UC Learn free online courses and MOOCs. These top 8 free UC Learn online courses and MOOCs are the best way for any learner to develop or upgrade their skills. So, let us take a look at what this list has to offer.

  1. Basics of Statistical Inference and Modelling Using R
  2. A Better Start to Reading
  3. Introducing Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with Python
  4. Visualizing Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with Python
  5. Advanced Statistical Inference and Modelling Using R
  6. Exploring Volcanoes and Their Hazards: Iceland and New Zealand
  7. Mental Health and Nutrition
  8. Smart Cities

ADPython for Everybody Specialization

      • University of Michigan via Coursera
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UC Learn Free Online Courses:

So here are the details of the top 8 free online UC Learn courses and MOOCs from University of Canterbury.

saveBasics of Statistical Inference and Modelling Using R

Basics of statistical inference and modeling using R

Do you wish to learn how a statistical method works and the technicalities behind it? In this UC Learn online course, you will learn all the basics of statistical inference and modeling using R. Through the learning content of this course, you will not only learn all about the statistical method but how to implement it using R. Similarly, you will also learn when to apply it, where to look if a statistical method is not applicable in a certain situation and more here.

Going further in these UC Learn Online Courses, you will get to understand all about sample and population, sampling distribution, parameter estimates, and more. Furthermore, the instructor will talk about the central limit theorem in detail. In addition, you will learn about hypothesis testing, p-values, standard tests, and more. Moreover, the instructor will also explain all about statistical and practical significance in detail. After that, there will be a detailed discussion on the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and posthoc tests using R. Covering all these topics, next comes a detailed explanation on numerical methods where you will learn about non-parametric bootstrap and permutation tests using R. Thus these and many more topics will be discussed in this course. R language is extensively used in Data Science. Here is a comprehensive list of Free Data Science Online Courses.

saveA Better Start to Reading

      • University of Canterbury via edX
      • 6 Weeks (4-6 hours weekly) of effort required
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • Course Type: Self-paced

A better start to reading

Being a child, everyone faces reading problems and it is up to the superiors to help children prevent reading problems. In this course, the instructor is going to talk about different ways to prevent reading problems in children. You will learn how shared book reading context can be used in the most effective possible manner to support children’s early reading development. Similarly, you will understand all the critical skills there are for children and how to help them develop these skills to become successful. Furthermore, you will understand what phonological awareness is and what it’s important. In addition, you will also get to know different strategies to use children’s books to foster phonological awareness.

Going further, the instructor is going to explain how you can prevent reading difficulties like dyslexia for all the children with increased risk. After that, there will be a detailed discussion on how to support children with speech and language difficulties to develop as readers. Similarly in these UC Learn Courses, you will learn all about supporting children from different languages and cultures to experience reading success. Know that this course aims to provide a research-to-practice learning experience for all those who are interested in the reading development of children. Thus the UC Learn  course will ensure that teachers and professionals have all the skills needed for supporting children’s early reading skills.

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Introducing Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with Python

Introduction text analytics

If you are interested in learning the core techniques of text analytics along with cognitive science then this course is what you need. Through this course, you can understand how we can make sense of such a huge amount of knowledge that is stored as text data. You can consider this UC Learn  course as a practical and scientific introduction to text analytics. The instructor is going to explain in detail how text analytics works and why it works at the same time. Similarly, you will learn how one can do an analysis in Python in a step-by-step guide. You will learn to create pipelines for text classification and text similarity that are using machine learning.

Moving further with the course, the instructor is going to talk about how the created pipelines go all the way from data collection to visualization. Moreover, you will also be taught to use Python packages which include pandas, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow. Furthermore, you will learn to construct applications using unstructured data like news articles and tweets. With that, you will also learn to apply machine learning classifiers to categorize documents by content and author. In addition, the instructor will teach you how to assess the scientific and ethical foundations of text analysis. You can also find out free Python bootcamp.


Visualizing Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with Python

Text analytics 2

A  UC Learn course that is going to help you extend your knowledge of the core techniques of text analytics from the comfort of your home. By making you understand how to make sense of the output of models, you will get to learn all about visualizing text analytics. The instructor will enable you to practice document similarity and topic models to work with large data sets. With that, you will learn to visualize and interpret text analytics which also includes statistical significance testing in detail. After that, the instructor will make you understand how to assess the scientific and ethical foundations of new applications for text analysis.

Then you will learn all about text-similarity in a step-by-step guide. After that, there will be a detailed discussion on how to use machine learning to find out all the words and documents that have similar meanings. In addition, you will learn all about visualizing text analytics. Similarly, you will learn everything about how to explain a model through visualization and significance testing. After that, you will be taught how to apply computational linguistics to new problems and new data sets, and much more.


Advanced Statistical Inference and Modelling Using R

Advanced statistical inference

This is a type of UC Learn course that will extend your knowledge of linear regression to the situations where the response variable is either binary, count, or categorical. The course is suitable for all those who are already familiar with basic linear regression. Or even those who have a knowhow of fundamentals of statistical inference are also welcome to join this course. The UC Learn  course has such learning content in it that will extend your knowledge of linear regression. Similarly, you will get to explore data analysis and data visualization using R. After that, the instructor is going to talk about multivariate analysis using Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). You might also be interested in R programming certification.

Completing all the above topics will lead you to more advanced ones. These are understanding binary response (logistic regression) GLM, Poisson counts GLM, nominal categorical response, and ordinal categorical response. Similarly, you will learn all about mixed-effects linear regression models. Next comes a detailed explanation of the structure, assumptions, diagnostics, and interpretation of the models. Similarly, you will also understand the basics of power analysis and experimental design, and missing data.


Exploring Volcanoes and Their Hazards: Iceland and New Zealand

      • University of Canterbury via edX
      • 7 Weeks (3-5 hours weekly) of effort required
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Exploring Volcanoes

This is a very interesting, engaging, and of course a little challenging course that is going to help you understand the science of volcanology. You will develop the skill set of a volcanologist on a virtual field trip to volcanoes in Iceland and New Zealand. This course is nothing like the regular courses as it will take you outside the classroom. In other words, you will get to learn the scientific terminology and skills of a field volcanologist. Similarly, the UC Learn instructor is going to explain why the volcanoes tend to erupt in Iceland and New Zealand. Next, you will be able to use the field skills of a volcanologist for describing the volcanic rocks and landscapes.

After that, the instructor is going to explain why the different volcanoes have entirely different eruption hazards. Then, you will learn to apply field data and historic eruption stories to discuss volcanic hazard implications in different areas of Iceland and New Zealand. Moreover, you will also learn to evaluate a plan to drill into a magma chamber. The  UC Learn instructor will explain how to weigh up the social benefits like renewable geothermal energy and do better eruption prediction with risks and costs.


Mental Health and Nutrition

      • University of Canterbury via edX
      • 6 Weeks (2-4 hours weekly) of effort required
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Mental health and nutrition

Interested in learning what type of foods and nutrients should and shouldn’t be consumed to improve mental wellbeing? In this course, you will get enough learning content to understand what type of food should be used for mental wellbeing. The instructor is going to help you understand the fundamental role that nutrition plays in the wellbeing of our mental health. Scientists believe that what we eat has been affecting our mental health for a long time without us realizing it. Through this course, you can get a chance to understand how this is happening. You will learn all about how our food supply has changed. Then the instructor is going to help you recognize the components of food that are important for your mental health. You can also find out free EIT food courses.

Similarly, you will also discover different dietary patterns that can maximize nutrient density. Furthermore, the instructor will give instructions to help you connect dietary choices to mental health. After that, you will get to examine dietary advice and recognize what is more important for better mental health. Going further, you will learn to implement simple ways to improve the diet that you take every day. In addition, you will also explore the recent paradigm shift of using broad-spectrum micronutrients to address different mental health challenges. After that, there will be a detailed discussion on how the additional nutrients are necessary for alleviating mental health suffering. Therefore, with this UC Learn course, you can easily understand the different ways to improve one’s mental health.


Smart Cities

      • University of Canterbury via edX
      • 6 Weeks (3-4 hours weekly) of effort required
      • Skill Level: Intermediate
      • Course Type: Instructor-led

Smart cities

Are you interested in knowing how New Zealand was able to use technology and data for designing sustainable smart cities? In this course, you will learn all about the journey of New Zealand as to how they were able to design sustainable smart cities. Through this course, you will learn to get to learn from real live smart city projects. These are LED lighting, solar-powered waste management solutions, and many others. Through these projects, you can understand how New Zealand is able to pave new paths to harness technology for creating social change. Similarly, you will get to analyze the role of different stakeholders in the ecosystem in detail.

After that, the instructor is going to help you relate to developments in New Zealand by examining your own city context. The UC Learn course will also enable you to interact with other learners of this course and have a discussion. By sharing your ideas with them and listening to theirs, you will finally be able to understand all about sustainable smart cities and how they are different from your city‎.

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Final Thoughts:

As you can see, these were the names and details of the UC Learn – Top 8 Free Online Courses & MOOCs. Now all you need to do is read the description of all these 8 UC Learn courses and then decide which one is suitable for you. So, enroll in your favorite course now and never stop learning.