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Presentation skills: Designing Presentation Slides

Online Course Highlights National Research Tomsk State University via Coursera 307 hours of effort required 69,309 already enrolled! ★★★★★ (916 Ratings) Enroll Now for Free Powerpoint slides...

Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Course Review

Course Highlights in28Minutes Official via Udemy 192,737+ already enrolled! ★★★★★ (40,086 Ratings) Enroll Now This is an extraordinary course for anyone who wants to become an expert with...

10 Best Embedded Systems Course & MOOCs 2024 [Updated]

Dive deep into the delicate world of embedded systems with our list of Best Embedded Systems Courses. They are designed to equip you with...

What are the responsibilities of the Development Team in Scrum?

Being a part of a development team is not as easy as other people might think it is. There are a variety of responsibilities...

Adaptive Leadership in Development

Online Course Highlights The University of Queensland via Edx Learn for FREE, Up-gradable 100 hours of effort required Skill Level: Mixed Language: English Enroll Now for...

Software Product Management Capstone

Online Course Highlights University of Alberta via Coursera Learn for FREE, Up-gradable 24 hours of effort required 9,026+ already enrolled! 4.8 ★★★★★ (664 Ratings) Skill Level: Mixed Language:...

7 Best World Machine Courses & Classes 2021 [Updated]

A group of experts at takethiscourse.net have worked together to present to you a list of top world machine courses and classes for the...

Freelancing Career Guide for Beginners & Professionals

Freelancing means to sell different kinds of services to a client without entering into a long term job contract. The nature of this work...

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