Learn Graphic Design: Start Your Graphic Design Career Will Teach Everything You Need To Know One Design in Photoshop
- Created by Nicolas Moy
- 4,627 + students enrolled
- 93 Review available
- 1 hour on-demand video
- 1 article
- 3 downloadable resources
- Access on Mobile and TV
- Assignments
- Certificate of Completion
- Lifetime Access
- 30 days Money back guarantee
What You will Learn?
- Receive a 30-day free trial of Photoshop
- Begin Graphic Design Projects
- Learn the basics to Graphic Design
- Understand the basics of Photoshop
Online Course Description:
raphic Design in modern standards is constantly changing and growing to new styles and aesthetic appearance. Today, businesses use graphic designers to develop marketing strategies, online business conversions and demographic-based advertisements.
In this graphic design course, I offer my knowledge on designing in photoshop using one of today’s most modern design – flat design.
Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? Do you want to learn the basics to graphic design? Than take this course! I am confident that what I have to offer will set you on the path to success.
…And if you don’t believe me, check out the 30+ reviews who back me up!
This Course Includes:
- Tutorial on how to Install a Trial of Photoshop
- Quick Start Guide to using Photoshop and tools required for Graphic Design
- Layer Organization and Management
- How to Design a Symbol for a Logo
- Emblem Logo Tutorial
REMEMBER: All students enrolled in this course will receive discounted coupons to Photoshop courses I release on Udemy in the future INCLUDING: Mastering Logo Design in Photoshop (COMING 2016)
What are the requirements?
- No graphic design experience is required
- You need Photoshop Installed (refer to Trial of Photoshop)
- Notebook and Pen can help for notes
What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 15 lectures on modern Graphic Design fundamentals
- Learn Photoshop fundamentals, tools, and techniques
- Unlimited lifetime access to this course
- Discount opportunities for future courses I release
What is the target audience?
- Anyone wanting to learn Graphic Design
- Those who want to learn Graphic Design
- Anyone wanting to learn the basics to Photoshop