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3 Skills You Need To Be A Great Web Developer


If you love creating things and have a knack for computers, becoming a web developer could be a great career for you. But with all the great web developers and web development companies out there, you’ve got to really know that you have what it takes to make a business for yourself out of your skill.

To help you in figuring all of this out, here are three skills you need to be a great web developer.

The Technical Side

Before you can even begin to think about getting a job or starting a business as a web developer, you first have to know that you have the technical skills to complete the work you’d be given to do.

According to Scott Morris, a contributor to SkillCrush.com, as a front end web developer, you’ll need to know things like HTML/CSS, JAVASCRIPT, responsive design, testing, various development tools, and so much more. Without at least a basic knowledge in all of these areas, you won’t be able to hack it as a web developer. So if there’s anything that you feel weak on now, you may want to start learning more about these areas before you start trying to get jobs as a web developer. 

Communication With Your Clients

In addition to the actual skills you’ll need to complete the work of a web developer, you’ll also need to have some soft skills that will make your work easier to manage.

One of these skills, according to Indeed.com, is knowing how to communicate with your clients or the people that you’ll be developing a website for. If you can’t understand what your client does and what they need their website to do for them, you can’t hope to create a final product that will ultimately make them happy and work out for them. With this in mind, try to hone your skill communicating with others, especially on the listening side, so nothing ever gets lost in translation.

Project Management Abilities

Aside from doing the actual web development work, a huge part of the successful completion of your web development projects will hinge on your ability to be an effective project manager. 

According to Alison Doyle, a contributor to The Balance Careers, having tight deadlines for projects is very common for web developers. Because of this, you need to know how to manage your time and work through the processes of completing a project by the time it needs to be done. 

If you’re thinking about becoming a web developer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn what skills you’ll need to get the job done right every time.