Home Art & Design 10 Best Digital Painting Classes and Training Courses 2021

10 Best Digital Painting Classes and Training Courses 2021 [Updated]


Master the art of digital painting with our top-rated classes, perfect for all skill levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Techniques for creating stunning digital art.
  • Classes suitable for beginners to advanced artists.
  • Learn from experienced digital artists.

Why should I take digital painting classes?

Digital painting classes teach you essential techniques and tools to create beautiful digital artworks, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist looking to enhance your skills.

  1. The Digital Painting MEGA Course: Beginner to Advanced
  2. Digital Painting: From Sketch to Finished Product
  3. Intro to Digital Painting: Procreate to Photoshop! A Beginner-Friendly Guide
  4. The Ultimate Digital Painting Course – Beginner to Advanced
  5. The Ultimate Guide to Digitally Painting Everything
  6. Photorealistic Digital Painting From Beginner To Advanced
  7. Digital Painting Tutorials & Classes Online
  8. Digital Painting Courses & Training
  9. Digitally Painting Vintage Pinup Portraits from a Photograph
  10. The Digital Painting w/ Procreate Guide | Grayscale method

Digital Painting Courses Evaluation & Selection Criteria

Digital painting classes are chosen based on instructor credentials, course content quality, and user feedback. We focus on classes that provide in-depth tutorials, practical assignments, and cater to various skill levels from beginner to advanced artists. For those interested in expanding their skills, the article provides a comprehensive Digital Painting Classes Overview that highlights the best options available in 2024.

List of 10 Best Digital Painting Classes & MOOCs:

saveThe Digital Painting MEGA Course: Beginner to Advanced

      • Austin Batchelor via Udemy
      • 35,034+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (3,998 Ratings)

the Digital Painting MEGA CourseBeing a digital artist is quite a fun and exciting occupation which many people are interested in adopting. So if you are that person then this course is the first step you need to make in this journey. From having very little knowledge in digital painting to creating an advanced level of digital art. You will be taught everything thoroughly. In other words, you will be learning the #1 most important skills to become the best digital artist.

When I looked at this course, I was at that point very into digital drawing and had some experience. Anyway, this course truly assisted me with seeing some significant components in a superior manner. Likewise, there were some truly cool tips that I will use on a large portion of my future works. Much thanks to you for this great course Austine (Batuhan Tunçay, ★★★★★).

saveDigital Painting: From Sketch to Finished Product

      • Hardy Fowler via Udemy
      • 7,779+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (1,441 Ratings)

Digital paintingEver wondered to become good enough to not only create amazing paintings digitally but using Adobe Photoshop? Well, it is your lucky day today because this course is a step-by-step guide to help you fulfil your goal. Through the lecture videos available in this course, you’ll learn to create amazing digital paintings using Adobe Photoshop. Furthermore, you’ll be indulged in very easy-to-grasp processes that can lead you to excellent results.

There are countless great methods in this course. I simply wish the teacher had clarified a smidgen more when he changes the brush, brush tone, or utilizing an eraser. There have been some blacked-out minutes, where I didn’t know whether I need to change the brush opacity, or need an eraser. In general, 10 out of 10 for the course (Moe Sayedy, ★★★★★).

saveIntro to Painting Digitally: Procreate to Photoshop! A Beginner-Friendly Guide

      • Mimi Chao via SkillShare
      • 58 Project included
      • 21,308+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (188 Ratings)

Intro to digital paintingA beginner level class to help you understand all about digital painting. This class is the best way for you to understand the importance of painting digitally and the wonders it can do. Upon completing the entire class, you’ll be able to understand the need to jump from traditional to digital painting. Furthermore, you’ll get to know which tools are recommended to get within a limited budget. Similarly, as you go further the instructor shares her workflow that will help you develop yours too. Thus a complete understanding of the pros and cons between procreating and Photoshop can be gained from this class. Discover creative tutorials on our platform, featuring Procreate classes designed to enhance your digital art skills.

This is an incredible class for me. I’ve generally been working in specialized drawing, AutoCAD and ArcGIS, both running in Windows, and drew my fine art by hand. Presently I have this new iPad with ProCreate and need to take in everything from the beginning. Mimi is an excellent instructor; she begins with the arrangement and how you can utilize the fundamental tools conveyed. This turns out extraordinary for me, presently I know where I can discover the settings and how to change them to my requirements in the future (Marjon De Haas).

saveThe Ultimate Digital Painting Course – Beginner to Advanced

      • Jaysen Batchelor, Austin Batchelor via Udemy
      • 56,057+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (9,234 Ratings)

The ultimate digital painting courseTo all those people out there who actually have an interest in becoming a professional digital painter, this course is what you need. Everything you need to know from drawing fundamentals to professional painting techniques, this course has it for you. Concepts like understanding drawing fundamentals, creating concept art and colour theory will be understood. Similarly, you’ll also learn about what photorealistic painting is, what is character design, and much more.

A particularly extraordinary course. I learned a lot about how to paint utilizing my recently purchased iPad and now I feel prepared to begin representing my own book. The course goes over many canvas styles, strategies, and considerably more. I would suggest it to anybody hoping to paint digitally (Natalia Tishina, ★★★★★).

saveThe Ultimate Guide to Digitally Painting Everything

      • Austin Batchelor via Udemy
      • 17,402+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (838 Ratings)

The ultimate guide to digitally painting everythingIn this world where everything is changing rapidly, so does the concept of painting. Nowadays, the trend of digital painting is all over the place. So to be able to know everything about painting digital, you need this course. You will be able to learn to paint dozens of different materials and textures. Furthermore, how you can come up to paint anything you can think of is something to be learned from this course as well. Similarly, you’ll also be able to develop such skills that can help you become a professional in this field. We have compiled a list of best web designing courses for our readers.

It was truly extraordinary to get a fresh start once more. The delivery of this course was truly good, and it kept me connected with all sessions. Enthusiastically suggest this. Thanks once more (Remi Abrahams, ★★★★★).

savePhotorealistic Digital Painting From Beginner To Advanced

      • Austin Batchelor via Udemy
      • 30,688+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (1,937 Ratings)

Photorealistic digital painting from beginner to advancedWe love to imagine things all the time. Whatever comes in our mind is our imagination. But if you can turn your imagination into reality through digital painting, would you do that? If yes, then this course can help you with that. In other words, you will be able to paint a variety of photorealistic digital images through this course. As the aim here is to help you bring your imagination to life. This means that the instructor will be helping you developing all such skills.

saveDigital Painting Tutorials & Classes Online

      • Widhi Muttaqien, S.Kom, MMSI via Udemy
      • 4,448+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (1,129 Ratings)

Krita basic to advanced digital paintingDo you want to become a master in digital painting but don’t want to wait any longer than you have to? Well, you can not only become a professional digital painter but in a very short time as well. Here you will be given an in-depth explanation of many different concepts, features, and settings inside Krita. Furthermore, you can learn the workflow of how to create a professional-level illustration that is fast and non-destructive. Thus learning to use Krita’s powerful features for painting digital has become easier through this course. You can also checkout paint tool sai MOOCs as reference.

This was the primary course I tried a Udemy course, and I was exceptionally dazzled. Austen’s guidance is clear and enlightening. The course has truly assisted me with improving my digital art measure and further see how layers can be developed to make amazing impacts. I’ve even returned and rewatched his shadow layering measures a couple of times. Much obliged (Laura Caseberry, ★★★★★).

saveDigital Painting Courses & Training

      • John Derry via LinkedIn Learning
      • 19,517+ viewers
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • ★★★★★

Learning digital paintingWith all the above courses that we have for you, we thought why not introduce you to a genuine platform as well that has a variety of courses about this topic. In this platform, you are going to find a huge variety of digital painting courses. With each course, comes a unique set of instructions to help you reach your goal. Top class instructors will instruct the courses, and the lecture videos in all the courses are equally competitive. So whatever the course you choose will be beneficial.

saveDigitally Painting Vintage Pinup Portraits from a Photograph

      • Lori Jill via Udemy
      • 817+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (107 Ratings)

Digitally painting vintage pinup portraits from a photographThose who want to be able to think and do something out of the box, this course will assist you with your mission. Through this course, you’ll learn to create classic style Pin-up art with the help of Photoshop. Furthermore, the skills you’ll learn here are how to edit portraits in Photoshop, improving your overall painting skills in Photoshop. Similarly, you will also learn to paint a vintage style portrait through Photoshop.

Ready to unleash your creativity? Learn trippy art techniques online with our curated selection of courses and tutorials.

I absolutely loved this course. Lori is truly proficient, has a lovely voice, goes directly forthright. Watching her using every one of the brushes is the most ideal approach to learn. I’m really acquainted with Photoshop, yet at the same familiar some new techniques all through the course (Ladi Ticha, ★★★★★).

saveThe Digital Painting w/ Procreate Guide | Grayscale method

      • Kurt Michael Russell via Udemy
      • 5,049+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (778 Ratings)

The Digital Painting WProcreate GuideEveryone loves shortcuts and different tips and tricks to get things done in lesser time. So here through this course, you’ll learn different tips and tricks and shortcuts in painting digitally. Upon completing the course, you’ll be able to use selections, filters, layer masks, adjustments, etc. Similarly, you’ll also learn to paint through the grayscale method. You can find our list of Anime Art Courses also.

Extraordinary course and really helpful. I’m using procreate to map out portrayals for oil works of art. Furthermore, adoring the advanced outcomes as well. The course is great and has changed how I use the Procreate program (Nicole Morrigan, ★★★★★).
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Final Thoughts:

We hope this list would be sufficient enough reason for you to learn all about digital painting. Any course or class or even training that you decide to take will be of great help to you and would give you the leverage you need to become more serious in this field. So decide which course you need, stay safe, and never stop learning.